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- ~Ruth's Corner~
Ruth's Blog post # 5: Connection Issues in Canter Transitions
Ruth's Blog post # 4: Questions to Ask Before Getting on a New Horse
Ruth's Blog post # 3: The Difference Between Movements, Figures and Patterns
Ruth's Blog post # 2: "Avoid Colic"
Ruth's Blog post # 1: Perfect Practice Makes Perfect
- ~Quin's Corner~
Quin's Blog post # 6: "Understand"
Quin's Blog post # 5: A Ground Pole: The Best Jumping Challenge Ever
Quin's Blog post # 4: Praising the Snort
Quin's Blog post # 3: How are you and your horse communicating?
Quin's Blog post # 2: The Ultimate Answer to Riding, the Universe, and Everything
Quin's Blog post # 1: Tiny Signals
- ~Lauren's Corner~
Lauren's Blog post # 5: It's a Balancing Act
Lauren's Blog post # 4: Of Equines, Oats, and things International
Lauren's Blog post # 3
Lauren's Blog post # 2
Lauren's Blog post # 1
- ~Dr. Haefner's Corner~
Sport Psych in a Minute, with Dr. Haefner - Video # 63: Personality and Why It Matters
"The Power and Promise of Collaboration"
Sport Psych in a Minute, with Dr. Haefner - Video # 62: Coping With Stress Part V: Gratitude
Sport Psych in a Minute, with Dr. Haefner - Video # 61: Coping with Stress Part IV: Do What You CAN Do
Sport Psych in a Minute, with Dr. Haefner - Video # 60: Coping with Stress and Anxiety: Part III - Getting Grounded
Sport Psych in a Minute, with Dr. Haefner - Video # 59: Coping with Stress and Anxiety: Part II - Connection
Sport Psych in a Minute, with Dr. Haefner - Video # 58: Coping with Stress and Anxiety - Part I: The Worry Bucket
Sport Psych in a Minute, with Dr. Haefner - Video # 57: Desperately Dependent or Fiercely Independent: Finding the right balance
Sport Psych in a Minute, with Dr. Haefner - Video # 56: How long will this take??
Sport Psych in a Minute, with Dr. Haefner - Video # 55: Filling Your Treasure Chest
Sport Psych in a Minute, with Dr. Haefner - Video # 54: The Power of a Plan
Sport Psych in a Minute, with Dr. Haefner - Video # 53: Personality Part 2: Internalizer or Externalizer
Sport Psych in a Minute, with Dr. Haefner - Video # 52: Personality Part 1: Past, Present, Future
Sport Psych in a Minute, with Dr. Haefner - Video # 51: Who do you compare yourself to... it really matters!
Sport Psych in a Minute, with Dr. Haefner - Video # 50: Horses as mirrors: Does it work the other way around?
Sport Psych in a Minute, with Dr. Haefner - Video # 49: Respect: Essential for horse and rider
Sport Psych in a Minute, with Dr. Haefner - Video # 48: Working with horses is complicated... that's a good thing
Sport Psych in a Minute, with Dr. Haefner - Video # 47: Courage... Is it as simple as "Cowgirl Up" ?
Sport Psych in a Minute, with Dr. Haefner - Video # 46: Safety and Security - Essential tools for learning.
Sport Psych in a Minute, with Dr. Haefner - Video # 45: Confidence: State or matters
Sport Psych in a Minute, with Dr. Haefner - Video # 44: It's Not About the Trailer...
Sport Psych in a Minute, with Dr. Haefner - Video # 43: Knowledge is Power
Sport Psych in a Minute, with Dr. Haefner - Video # 42: Looking for Solutions ... It's Personal
Sport Psych in a Minute, with Dr. Haefner - Video # 41: We focus on the wrong things... Why?
Sport Psych in a Minute, with Dr. Haefner - Video # 40: When You Get Bucked Off...
Sport Psych in a Minute, with Dr. Haefner - Video # 39: Challenging Knowledge and Assumptions: Learning to breathe
Sport Psych in a Minute, with Dr. Haefner - Video # 38: Learning or Mistakes: All in the meaning you make
Sport Psych in a Minute, with Dr. Haefner - Video # 37: Syntropy: A Flight of Fancy into the World or Theoretical Physics
Sport Psych in a Minute, with Dr. Haefner - Video # 36: It's All About Energy.. but what is energy?
Sport Psych in a Minute, with Dr. Haefner - Video # 35: The Power of Stories
Sport Psych in a Minute, with Dr. Haefner - Video # 34: When you lose a piece of your heart...
Sport Psych in a Minute, with Dr. Haefner - Video # 33: Independence through Awareness
Sport Psych in a Minute, with Dr. Haefner - Video # 32: Confidence: Where can I get it?
Sport Psych in a Minute, with Dr. Haefner - Video # 31: Patience, Persistence, Optimism
Sport Psych in a Minute, with Dr. Haefner - Video # 30: Slow Down to Go Faster
Dr. Haefner's Corner "Ask the Doc", Question # 9
Sport Psych in a Minute, with Dr. Haefner - Video # 29: Focus to Create the Flow
Sport Psych in a Minute, with Dr. Haefner - Video # 28: The Power of Perspective!
Sport Psych in a Minute, with Dr. Haefner - Video # 27: Quieting Your Inner Critic
Sport Psych in a Minute, with Dr. Haefner - Video # 26: Five Essential Conditions for Change
Sport Psych in a Minute, with Dr. Haefner - Video # 25: On Being Open Minded
Sport Psych in a Minute, with Dr. Haefner - Video # 24: It's Difficult to Ask for Help!
Sport Psych in a Minute, with Dr. Haefner - Video # 23: Resilience: Just as important as goals.
Sport Psych in a Minute, with Dr. Haefner - Video # 22: Goals: More than just direction!
Sport Psych in a Minute, with Dr. Haefner - Video # 21: Gratitude: Take 2!
Sport Psych in a Minute, with Dr. Haefner - Video # 20: The Golden Key to Conquering Fear and Anxiety
Sport Psych in a Minute, with Dr. Haefner - Video # 19: Why Bother? Dealing with setbacks.
Sport Psych in a Minute, with Dr. Haefner - Video # 18: Self Awareness is a VERB not a Noun
Sport Psych in a Minute, with Dr. Haefner - Video # 17: Gratitude: More than food for the soul.
Sport Psych in a Minute, with Dr. Haefner - Video # 16: Expectations and Assumptions: Friend or Foe
Sport Psych in a Minute, with Dr. Haefner - Video # 15: "Equestrian Sport Psychologist... What is that?!"
Sport Psych in a Minute, with Dr. Haefner - Video # 14: "RELAX - a rider's guide to using relaxation!"
Sport Psych in a Minute, with Dr. Haefner - Video # 13: "Don't just set your goals...ATTAIN them."
Sport Psych in a Minute, with Dr. Haefner - Video # 12: "Failure" is NOT an Option!
Sport Psych in a Minute, with Dr. Haefner - Video # 11: Bubble Wrap Your Rider?
Sport Psych in a Minute, with Dr. Haefner - Video # 10: Appreciate Complexity... Work on Simplicity
Sport Psych in a Minute, with Dr. Haefner - Video # 9: Each rider is UNIQUE... Speak thoughtfully - Listen Carefully
Sport Psych in a Minute, with Dr. Haefner - Video # 8: Power Your Performance Through Relationships
Sport Psych in a Minute, with Dr. Haefner - Video # 7: Risky Business...
Sport Psych in a Minute, with Dr. Haefner - Video # 6: The resources you need to SUCCEED are inside you...
Sport Psych in a Minute, with Dr. Haefner - Video # 5: Skyrocket your performance with EXCELLENT GOALS!
Dr. Haefner's Corner "Ask the Doc", Question # 8
Sport Psych in a Minute, with Dr. Haefner - Video # 4: Fuel Your Ride… Motivation
Dr. Haefner's Corner "Ask the Doc", Question # 7
Sport Psych in a Minute, with Dr. Haefner - Video # 3: Five Checkpoints on the Path to SUCCESS in Your Riding
Sport Psych in a Minute, with Dr. Haefner - Video # 2: Effective Strategies for Personal Change
Sport Psych in a Minute, with Dr. Haefner - Video # 1: Improve Your Riding With ONE Simple Thought...
Dr. Haefner's Blog post # 10: Looking for the Fix: The Forest and the Trees
Dr. Haefner's Blog post # 9: A Different Take on a Performance “State of Mind”
Dr. Haefner's Corner "Ask the Doc", Question # 6
Dr. Haefner's Corner "Ask the Doc", Question # 5
Dr. Haefner's Blog post # 8: Strategies For Recovery
Dr. Haefner's Corner "Ask the Doc", Question 4
Dr. Haefner's Blog post # 7: The Plain Of Possibility - Increasing the Probability of Peak Performance
Dr. Haefner's Corner "Ask the Doc", Question # 3
Dr. Haefner's Blog post # 6: The Importance of Fundamentals
Dr. Haefner's Blog post # 5: Essential Ingredients for Positive Performance States: Discomfort Tolerance
Dr. Haefner's Blog post # 4: Are You Ready to Learn?
Dr. Haefner's Corner "Ask the Doc", Question # 2
Dr. Haefner's Blog post # 3: Who is Judging Whom?
Dr. Haefner's Corner "Ask the Doc", Question # 1: I struggle when my horse bolts. I go straight to my hand and get in the waterski situation. Is there any way I can train my brain to be quicker to use my seat? (Claire)
Dr. Haefner's Blog post # 2: Courage
Dr. Haefner's Blog post #1: "Why Do You Take Riding Lessons? Don’t You Already Know How To Ride?"
- ~Olympic Corner~
OC Question # 2: How can you tell if a horse is ready to move up a level?
OC question # 1: How do you help riders who struggle with nerves at competitions?
- ~Bonnie's Corner~
Bonnie's Blog Post # 4
Bonnie's Blog post # 3
Bonnie's Blog post # 2
Bonnie's Blog Post # 1: Introduction!
- ~Caroline's Corner~
- ~Firn's Corner~
Firn's Blog post # 17
Firn's Blog post # 16
Firn's Blog post # 15
Firn's Blog Post # 14
Firn's Blog post # 13
Firn's Blog post # 12: On Independent Jumping
Firn's Blog post # 11
Firn's Blog Post # 10
Firn's Blog post # 9
Firn's Blog Post # 8
Firn's Blog Post # 7
Firn's Blog Post # 6
Firn's Blog Post # 5
Firn's Blog Post # 4
Firn's Blog Post # 3
Firn's Blog Post # 2
Firn's Blog Post # 1: A Poor Workman Blames his Tools?
- ~Jocelyn's Corner~
Jocelyn's Blog Post # 7
Jocelyn's Blog Post # 6
Jocelyn's Blog Post # 5: The Cost of Expectations
Jocelyn's Blog Post # 4
Jocelyn's Blog Post # 3: What Do You Do When the Problem is You?
Jocelyn's Blog Post # 2
Jocelyn's Blog Post # 1: Breaking the Law: Every Action Does Not Need to Have an Equal and Opposite Reaction
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- ~Kirsten's Corner~
Kirsten's Blog Post # 7
Kirsten's Blog Post # 6
Kirsten's Blog Post # 5
Kirsten's Blog Post # 4
Kirsten's Blog Post # 3
Kirsten's Blog Post # 2: "I'm Allergic to Barn Drama"
Kirsten's Blog Post # 1
- ~Brianna's Corner~
Brianna's Blog post # 23: To Finish is to Win!
Brianna's Blog post # 22: You
Brianna's Blog post # 21: What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up?
Brianna's Blog Post # 20: Building Trust
Brianna's Blog Post # 19: Head Position
Brianna's Blog Post # 18: Horse Listener
Brianna's Blog Post # 17: Lay The Base You Want To Build On
Brianna's Blog Post # 16
Brianna's Blog Post # 15
Brianna's Blog Post # 14
Brianna's Blog Post # 13: Years That Ask and Years That Answer
Brianna's Blog Post # 12
Brianna's Blog Post # 11
Brianna's Blog Post # 10
Brianna's Blog Post # 9: Suffering in the Sand Box
Brianna's Blog Post # 8
Brianna's Blog Post # 7
Brianna's Blog Post # 6
Brianna's Blog Post # 5: The Back up plan
Brianna's Blog Post # 4
Brianna's Blog Post # 3
Brianna's Blog Post # 2
Brianna's Blog Post # 1
- Archived Blog Posts
- The Nervous Novice
- ~Maat's Corner~
Maat's Blog Post # 3: Make the Most of Your Walk Breaks
Maat's Blog Post # 2: 3 Tips to Improve Your Dressage Score
Maat's Blog Post # 1: Using Trot Lengthenings to Improve Your Training
- The Fringe Eventer!
The Fringe Eventer Blog Post # 12: The Holy Grail of Saddle Shopping
The Fringe Eventer Blog Post # 11
The Fringe Eventer Blog Post # 10
The Fringe Eventer Blog post # 9
The Fringe Eventer Blog Post # 8
The Fringe Eventer Blog Post # 7
The Fringe Eventer Blog Post # 6
The Fringe Eventer Blog Post # 5
The Fringe Eventer blog post # 4
The Fringe Eventer blog post # 3
The Fringe Eventer blog post # 2
The Fringe Eventer blog post # 1: Introduction!
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Tip/Quote of the Day # 3611
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3610
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3609
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3608
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3607
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3606
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3605
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3604
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3603
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3602
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3601
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3600
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3599
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3598
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3597
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3596
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3595
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3594
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3593
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3592
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3591
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3590
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3589
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3588
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3587
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3586
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3585
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3584
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3583
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3582
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3581
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3580
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3579
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3578
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3577
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3576
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3575
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3574
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3573
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3572
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3571
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3570
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3569
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3568
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3567
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3566
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3565
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3564
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3563
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3562
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3561
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3560
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3559
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3558
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3557
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Tip/Quote of the Day # 3553
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Tip/Quote of the Day # 3549
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3548
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3547
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3546
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3545
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3544
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3543
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3542
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3541
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3540
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3539
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3538
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3537
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3536
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3535
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3534
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3533
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Tip/Quote of the Day # 3472
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3471
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3470
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Tip/Quote of the Day # 3468
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Tip/Quote of the Day # 3466
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3465
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3464
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Tip/Quote of the Day # 3457
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Tip/Quote of the Day # 3450
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3449
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3448
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3447
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3446
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3445
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3444
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3443
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3442
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3441
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Tip/Quote of the Day # 3435
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Tip/Quote of the Day # 3430
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Tip/Quote of the Day # 3424
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3423
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3422
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3421
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3420
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Tip/Quote of the Day # 3412
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3411
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3410
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3409
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Tip/Quote of the Day # 3403
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3402
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3401
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3400
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3399
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3398
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3397
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3396
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3395
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Tip/Quote of the Day # 3392
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3391
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3390
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3389
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3388
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3387
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3386
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Tip/Quote of the Day # 3383
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3382
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3381
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3380
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3378
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3377
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3376
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3375
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3374
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3373
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3372
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3371
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3370
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3369
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3368
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3367
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3366
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3365
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3364
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3363
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3362
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3361
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3360
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3359
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3358
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3357
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3356
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3355
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3354
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3353
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3352
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3351
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3350
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3349
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3348
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3347
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3346
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3345
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3344
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3343
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3342
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3341
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3340
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3339
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3338
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3337
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3336
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3335
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3334
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3333
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3332
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3331
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3330
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3329
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3328
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3327
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3326
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3325
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3324
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3323
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3322
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3321
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3320
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3319
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3318
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3317
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3316
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3315
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3314
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3313
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3312
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3311
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3310
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3309
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3308
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3307
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3306
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3305
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3304
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3303
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3302
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3301
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3300
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3299
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3298
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3297
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3296
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3295
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3294
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3293
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3292
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3291
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3290
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3289
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3288
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3287
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3286
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3285
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3284
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3283
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3282
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3281
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3280
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3279
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3278
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3277
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3276
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3275
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3274
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3273
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3272
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3271
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3270
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3269
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3268
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3267
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3266
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3265
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3264
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3263
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3262
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3261
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3260
Tip/Quote of the day # 3259
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3258
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3257
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3256
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3255
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3254
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3253
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3252
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3251
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3250
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3249
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3248
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3247
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3246
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3245
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3244
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3243
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3242
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3241
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3240
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3239
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3238
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3237
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3236
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3235
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3234
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3233
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3232
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3231
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3230
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3229
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3228
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3227
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3226
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3225
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3224
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3223
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3222
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3221
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3220
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3219
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3218
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3217
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3216
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3215
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3214
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3213
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3212
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3211
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3210
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3209
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3208
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3207
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3206
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3205
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3204
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3203
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3202
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3201
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3200
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3199
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3198
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3197
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3196
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3195
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3194
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3193
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3192
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3191
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3190
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3189
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3188
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3187
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3186
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3185
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3184
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3183
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3182
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3181
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3180
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3179
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3178
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3177
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3176
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3175
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3174
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3173
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3172
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3171
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3170
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3169
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3168
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3167
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3166
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3165
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3164
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3163
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3162
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3161
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3160
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3159
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3158
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3157
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3156
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3155
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3154
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3153
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3152
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3151
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3150
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3149
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3148
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3147
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3146
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3145
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3144
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3143
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3142
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3141
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3140
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3139
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3138
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3137
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3136
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3135
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3134
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3133
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3132
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3131
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3130
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3129
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3128
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3127
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3126
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3125
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3124
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3123
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3122
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3121
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3120
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3119
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3118
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3117
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3116
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3115
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3114
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3113
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3112
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3111
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3110
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3109
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3108
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3107
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3106
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3105
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3104
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3103
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3102
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3101
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3100
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3099
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3098
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3097
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3096
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3095
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3094
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3093
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3092
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3091
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3090
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3089
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3088
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3087
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3086
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3085
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3084
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3083
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3082
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3081
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3080
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3079
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3078
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3077
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3076
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3075
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3074
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3073
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3072
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3071
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3070
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3069
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3068
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3067
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3066
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3065
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3064
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3063
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3062
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3061
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3060
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3059
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3058
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3057
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3056
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3055
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3054
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3053
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3052
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3051
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3050
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3049
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3048
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3047
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3046
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3045
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3044
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3043
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3042
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3041
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3040
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3039
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3038
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3037
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3036
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3035
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3034
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3033
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3032
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3031
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3030
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3029
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3028
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3027
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3026
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3025
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3024
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3023
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3022
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3021
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3020
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3019
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3018
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3017
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3016
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3015
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3014
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3013
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3012
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3011
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3010
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3009
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3008
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3007
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3006
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3005
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3004
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3003
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3002
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3001
Tip/Quote of the Day # 3000
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2999
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2998
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2997
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2996
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2995
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2994
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2993
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2992
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2991
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2990
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2989
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2988
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2987
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2986
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2985
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2984
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2983
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2982
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2981
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2980
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2979
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2978
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2977
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2976
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2975
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2974
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2973
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2972
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2971
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2970
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2969
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2968
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2967
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2966
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2965
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2964
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2963
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2962
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2961
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2960
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2959
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2958
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2957
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2956
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2955
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2954
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2953
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2952
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2951
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2950
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2949
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2948
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2947
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2946
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2945
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2944
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2943
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2942
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2941
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2940
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2939
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2938
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2937
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2936
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2935
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2934
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2933
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2932
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2931
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2930
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2929
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2928
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2927
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2926
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2925
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2924
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2923
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2922
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2921
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2920
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2919
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2918
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2917
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2916
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2915
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2914
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2913
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2912
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2911
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2910
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2909
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2908
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2907
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2906
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2905
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2904
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2903
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2902
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2901
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2900
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2899
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2898
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2897
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2896
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2895
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2894
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2893
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2892
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2891
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2890
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2889
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2888
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2887
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2886
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2885
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2884
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2883
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2882
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2881
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2880
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2879
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2878
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2877
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2876
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2875
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2874
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2873
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2872
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2871
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2870
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2869
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2868
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2867
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2866
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2865
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2864
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2863
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2862
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2861
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2860
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2859
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2858
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2857
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2856
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2855
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2854
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2853
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2852
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2851
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2850
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2849
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2848
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2847
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2846
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2845
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2844
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2843
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2842
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2841
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2840
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2839
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2838
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2837
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2836
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2835
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2834
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2833
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2832
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2831
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2830
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2829
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2828
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2827
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2826
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2825
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2824
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2823
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2822
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2821
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2820
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2819
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2818
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2817
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2816
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2815
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2814
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2813
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2812
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2811
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2810
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2809
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2808
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2807
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2806
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2805
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2804
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2803
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2802
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2801
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2800
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2799
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2798
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2797
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2796
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2795
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2794
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2793
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2792
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2791
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2790
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2789
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2788
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2787
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2786
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2785
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2784
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2783
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2782
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2781
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2780
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2779
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2778
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2777
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2776
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2775
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2774
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2773
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2772
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2771
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2770
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2769
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2768
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2767
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2766
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2765
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2764
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2763
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2762
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2761
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2760
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2759
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2758
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2757
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2756
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2755
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2754
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2753
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2752
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2751
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2750
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2749
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2748
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2747
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2746
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2745
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2744
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2743
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2742
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2741
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2740
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2739
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2738
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2737
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2736
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2735
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2734
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2733
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2732
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2731
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2730
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2729
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2728
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2727
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2726
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2725
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2724
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2723
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2722
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2721
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2720
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2719
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2718
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2717
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2716
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2715
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2714
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2713
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2712
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2711
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2710
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2709
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2708
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2707
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2706
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2705
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2704
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2703
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2702
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2701
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2700
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2699
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2698
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2697
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2696
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2695
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2694
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2693
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2692
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2691
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2690
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2689
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2688
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2687
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2686
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2685
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2684
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2683
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2682
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2681
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2680
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2679
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2678
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2677
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2676
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2675
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2674
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2673
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2672
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2671
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2670
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2669
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2668
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2667
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2666
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2665
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2664
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2663
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2662
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2661
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2660
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2659
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2658
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2657
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2656
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2655
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2654
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2653
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2652
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2651
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2650
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2649
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2648
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2647
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2646
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2645
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2644
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2643
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2642
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2641
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2640
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2639
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2638
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2637
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2636
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2635
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2634
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2633
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2632
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2631
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2630
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2629
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2628
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2627
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2626
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2625
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2624
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2623
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2622
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2621
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2620
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2619
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2618
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2617
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2616
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2615
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2614
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2613
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2612
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2611
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2610
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2609
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2608
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2607
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2606
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2605
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2604
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2603
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2602
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2601
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2600
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2599
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2598
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2597
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2596
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2595
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2594
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2593
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2592
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2591
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2590
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2589
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2588
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2587
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2586
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2585
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2584
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2583
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2582
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2581
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2580
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2579
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2578
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2577
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2576
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2575
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2574
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2573
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2572
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2571
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2570
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2569
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2568
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2567
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2566
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2565
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2564
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2563
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2562
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2561
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2560
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2559
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2558
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2557
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2556
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2555
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2554
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2553
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2552
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2551
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2550
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2549
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2548
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2547
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2546
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2545
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2544
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2543
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2542
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2541
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2540
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2539
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2538
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2537
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2536
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2535
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2534
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2533
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2532
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2531
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2530
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2529
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2528
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2527
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2526
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2525
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2524
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2523
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2522
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2521
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2520
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2519
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2518
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2517
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2516
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2515
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2514
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2513
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2512
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2511
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2510
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2509
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2508
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2507
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2506
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2505
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2504
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2503
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2502
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2501
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2500
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2499
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2498
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2497
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2496
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2495
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2494
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2493
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2492
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2491
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2490
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2489
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2488
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2487
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2486
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2485
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2484
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2483
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2482
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2481
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2480
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2479
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2478
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2477
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2476
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2475
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2474
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2473
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2472
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2471
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2470
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2469
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2468
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2267
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2467
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2466
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2465
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2464
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2463
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2462
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2461
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2460
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2459
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2458
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2457
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2456
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2455
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2454
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2453
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2452
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2451
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2450
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2449
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2448
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2447
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2446
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2445
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2444
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2443
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2442
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2441
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2440
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2439
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2438
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2437
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2436
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2435
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2434
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2433
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2432
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2431
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2430
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2429
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2428
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2427
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2426
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2425
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2424
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2423
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2422
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2421
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2420
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2419
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2418
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2417
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2416
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2415
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2414
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2413
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2412
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2411
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2410
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2409
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2408
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2407
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2406
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2405
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2404
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2403
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2402
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2401
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2400
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2399
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2398
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2397
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2396
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2395
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2394
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2393
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2392
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2391
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2390
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2389
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2388
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2387
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2386
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2385
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2384
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2383
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2382
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2381
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2380
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2378
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2377
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2376
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2375
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2374
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2373
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2372
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2371
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2370
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2369
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2368
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2367
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2366
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2365
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2364
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2363
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2362
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2361
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2360
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2359
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2358
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2357
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2356
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2355
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2354
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2353
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2352
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2351
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2350
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2349
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2348
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2347
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2346
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2345
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2344
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2343
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2342
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2341
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2340
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2339
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2338
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2337
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2336
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2335
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2334
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2333
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2332
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2331
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2330
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2329
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2328
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2327
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2326
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2325
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2324
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2323
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2322
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2321
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2320
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2319
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2318
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2317
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2316
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2314
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2313
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2312
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2311
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2310
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2309
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2308
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2307
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2306
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2305
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2304
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2303
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2302
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2301
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2300
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2299
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2298
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2297
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2296
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2295
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2294
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2293
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2292
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2291
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2290
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2289
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2288
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2287
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2286
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2285
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2284
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2283
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2282
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2281
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2280
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2279
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2278
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2277
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2276
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2275
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2274
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2273
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2272
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2271
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2270
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2269
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2268
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2266
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2265
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2264
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2263
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2262
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2261
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2260
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2259
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2258
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2257
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2256
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2255
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2254
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2253
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2252
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2251
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2250
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2249
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2248
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2247
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2246
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2245
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2244
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2243
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2242
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2241
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2240
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2239
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2238
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2237
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2236
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2235
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2234
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2233
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2232
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2231
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2230
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2229
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2228
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2227
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2226
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2225
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2224
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2223
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2222
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2221
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2220
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2219
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2218
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2217
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2216
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2215
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2214
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2213
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2212
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2211
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2210
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2209
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2208
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2207
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2206
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2205
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2204
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2203
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2202
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2201
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2200
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2199
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2198
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2197
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2196
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2195
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2194
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2193
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2192
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2191
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2190
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2189
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2188
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2187
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2186
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2185
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2184
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2183
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2182
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2181
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2180
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2179
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2178
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2177
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2176
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2175
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2174
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2173
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2172
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2171
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2170
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2169
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2168
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2167
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2166
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2165
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2164
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2163
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2162
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2161
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2160
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2159
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2158
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2157
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2156
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2155
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2154
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2153
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2152
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2151
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2150
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2149
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2148
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2147
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2146
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2145
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2144
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2143
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2142
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2141
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2140
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2139
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2138
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2137
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2136
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2135
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2134
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2133
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2132
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2131
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2130
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2129
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2128
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2127
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2126
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2125
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2124
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2123
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2122
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2121
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2120
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2119
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2118
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2117
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2116
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2115
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2114
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2113
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2112
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2111
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2110
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2109
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2108
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2107
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2106
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2105
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2104
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2103
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2102
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2101
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2100
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2099
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2098
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2097
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2096
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2095
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2094
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2093
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2092
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2091
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2090
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2089
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2088
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2087
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2086
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2085
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2084
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2083
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2082
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2081
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2080
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2079
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2078
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2077
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2076
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2075
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2074
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2073
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2072
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2071
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2070
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2069
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2068
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2067
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2066
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2065
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2064
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2063
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2062
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2061
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2060
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2059
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2058
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2057
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2056
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2055
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2054
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2053
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2052
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2051
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2050
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2049
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2048
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2047
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2046
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2045
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2044
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2043
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2042
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2041
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2040
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2039
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2037
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2036
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2035
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2034
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2033
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2032
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2031
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2030
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2029
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2028
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2027
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2026
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2025
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2024
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2023
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2022
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2021
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2020
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2019
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2018
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2017
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2016
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2015
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2014
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2013
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2012
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2011
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2010
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2009
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2008
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2007
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2006
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2005
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2004
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2003
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2002
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2001
Tip/Quote of the Day # 2000
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1999
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1998
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1997
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1996
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1995
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1994
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1993
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1992
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1991
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1990
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1989
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1988
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1987
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1986
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1985
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1984
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1983
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1981
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1980
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1979
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1978
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1977
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1976
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1975
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1974
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1973
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1972
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1971
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1970
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1969
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1968
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1967
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1966
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1965
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1964
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1963
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1962
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1961
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1960
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1959
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1958
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1957
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1956
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1955
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1954
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1953
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1952
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1951
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1950
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1949
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1948
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1947
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1945
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1944
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1943
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1942
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1941
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1940
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1939
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1938
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1937
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1936
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1935
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1934
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1933
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1932
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1931
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1930
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1929
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1928
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1927
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1926
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1925
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1924
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1923
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1922
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1921
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1920
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1919
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1918
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1917
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1916
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1915
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1914
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1913
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1912
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1911
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1910
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1909
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1908
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1907
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1906
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1905
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1904
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1903
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1902
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1901
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1900
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1899
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1898
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1897
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1896
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1895
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1894
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1893
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1892
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1891
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1890
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1889
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1888
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1887
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1886
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1885
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1884
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1883
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1882
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1881
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1880
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1879
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1878
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1877
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1876
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1875
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1874
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1873
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1872
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1871
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1870
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1869
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1868
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1867
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1866
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1865
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1864
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1863
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1862
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1861
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1860
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1859
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1858
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1857
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1856
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1855
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1854
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1853
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1852
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1851
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1850
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1849
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1848
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1847
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1846
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1845
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1844
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1843
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1842
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1841
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1840
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1839
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1838
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1837
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1836
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1835
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1834
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1832
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1833
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1831
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1830
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1829
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1828
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1827
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1826
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1825
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1824
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1823
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1822
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1821
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1820
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1819
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1818
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1817
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1816
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1815
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1814
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1813
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1812
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1811
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1810
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1809
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1808
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1807
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1806
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1805
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1804
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1803
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1802
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1801
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1800
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1799
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1798
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1797
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1796
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1795
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1794
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1793
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1792
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1791
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1790
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1789
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1788
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1787
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1786
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1785
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1784
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1783
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1782
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1781
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1780
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1779
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1778
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1777
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1776
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1775
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1774
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1773
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1772
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1771
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1770
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1769
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1768
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1767
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1766
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1765
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1764
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1763
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1762
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1761
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1760
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1759
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1758
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1757
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1756
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1755
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1754
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1753
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1752
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1751
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1750
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1749
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1748
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1747
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1746
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1745
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1744
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1743
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1742
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1741
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1740
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1739
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1738
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1737
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1736
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1735
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1734
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1733
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1732
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1731
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1730
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1729
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1728
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1727
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1726
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1725
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1724
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1723
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1722
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1721
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1720
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1719
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1718
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1717
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1716
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1715
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1714
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1713
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1712
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1711
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1710
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1709
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1708
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1707
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1706
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1705
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1704
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1703
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1702
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1701
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1700
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1699
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1698
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1697
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1696
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1695
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1694
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1693
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1692
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1691
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1690
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1689
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1688
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1687
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1686
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1685
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1684
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1683
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1682
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1681
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1680
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1679
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1678
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1677
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1676
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1675
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1674
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1673
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1672
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1671
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1670
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1669
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1668
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1667
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1666
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1665
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1664
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1663
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1662
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1661
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1660
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1659
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1658
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1657
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1656
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1655
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1654
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1653
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1652
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1651
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1650
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1649
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1648
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1647
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1646
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1645
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1644
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1643
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1642
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1641
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1640
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1639
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1638
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1637
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1636
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1635
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1634
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1633
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1632
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1631
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1630
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1629
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1628
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1627
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1626
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1625
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1624
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1623
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1622
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1621
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1620
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1619
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1618
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1617
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1616
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1615
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1614
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1613
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1612
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1611
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1610
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1609
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1608
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1607
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1606
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1605
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1604
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1603
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1602
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1601
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1600
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1599
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1598
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1597
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1596
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1595
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1594
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1593
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1592
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1591
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1590
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1589
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1588
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1587
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1586
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1585
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1584
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1583
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1582
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1581
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1580
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1579
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1578
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1577
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1576
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1575
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1574
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1573
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1572
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1571
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1570
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1569
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1568
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1567
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1566
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1565
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1564
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1563
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1562
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1561
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1560
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1559
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1558
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1557
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1556
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1555
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1554
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1553
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1552
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1551
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1550
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1549
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1548
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1547
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1546
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1545
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1544
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1543
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1542
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1541
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1540
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1539
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1538
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1537
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1536
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1535
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1534
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1533
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1532
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1531
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1530
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1529
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1528
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1527
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1526
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1525
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1524
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1523
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1522
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1521
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1520
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1519
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1518
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1517
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1516
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1515
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1514
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1513
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1512
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1511
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1510
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1509
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1508
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1507
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1506
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1505
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1504
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1503
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1502
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1501
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1500
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1499
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1498
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1497
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1496
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1495
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1494
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1493
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1492
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1491
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1490
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1489
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1488
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1487
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1486
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1485
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1484
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1483
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1482
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1481
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1480
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1479
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1478
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1477
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1476
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1475
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1474
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1473
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1472
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1471
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1470
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1469
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1468
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1467
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1466
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1465
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1464
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1463
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1462
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1461
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1460
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1459
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1458
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1457
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1456
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1455
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1454
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1453
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1452
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1451
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1450
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1449
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1448
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1447
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1446
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1445
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1443
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1442
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1441
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1440
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1439
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1438
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1437
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1436
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1435
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1434
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1433
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1432
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1431
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1430
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1429
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1428
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1427
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1426
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1425
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1424
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1423
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1422
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1421
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1420
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1419
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1418
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1417
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1416
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1415
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1414
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1413
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1412
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1411
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1410
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1409
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1408
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1407
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1406
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1405
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1404
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1403
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1402
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1401
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1400
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1399
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1398
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1397
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1396
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1395
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1394
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1393
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1392
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1391
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1390
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1389
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1388
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1387
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1386
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1385
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1384
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1383
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1382
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1381
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1380
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1379
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1378
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1377
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1376
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1375
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1374
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1373
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1372
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1371
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1370
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1369
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1368
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1367
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1366
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1365
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1364
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1363
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1362
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1361
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1360
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1359
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1358
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1357
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1356
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1355
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1354
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1353
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1352
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1351
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1350
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1349
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1348
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1347
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1346
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1345
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1344
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1343
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1342
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1341
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1340
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1339
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1338
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1337
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1336
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1335
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1334
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1333
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1332
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1331
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1330
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1329
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1328
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1327
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1326
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1325
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1324
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1323
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1322
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1321
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1320
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1319
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1318
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1317
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1316
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1315
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1314
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1313
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1312
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1311
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1310
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1309
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1308
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1307
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1306
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1305
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1304
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1303
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1302
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1301
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1300
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1299
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1298
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1297
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1296
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1295
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1294
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1293
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1292
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1291
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1290
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1289
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1288
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1287
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1286
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1285
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1284
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1283
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1282
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1281
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1280
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1279
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1278
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1277
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1276
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1275
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1274
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1273
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1272
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1271
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1270
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1269
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1268
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1267
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1266
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1265
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1264
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1263
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1262
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1261
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1260
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1259
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1258
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1257
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1256
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1255
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1254
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1253
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1252
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1251
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1250
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1249
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1248
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1247
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1246
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1245
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1244
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1243
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1242
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1241
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1240
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1239
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1238
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1237
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1236
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1235
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1234
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1233
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1232
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1231
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1230
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1229
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1228
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1227
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1226
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1225
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1224
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1223
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1222
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1221
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1220
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1219
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1218
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1217
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1216
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1215
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1214
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1213
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1212
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1211
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1210
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1209
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1208
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1207
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1206
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1205
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1204
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1203
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1202
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1201
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1200
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1199
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1198
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1197
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1196
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1195
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1194
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1193
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1192
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1191
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1190
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1189
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1188
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1187
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1186
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1185
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1184
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1183
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1182
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1181
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1180
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1179
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1178
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1177
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1176
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1175
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1174
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1173
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1172
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1171
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1170
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1169
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1168
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1167
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1166
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1165
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1164
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1163
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1162
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1161
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1160
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1159
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1158
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1157
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1156
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1155
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1154
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1153
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1152
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1151
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1150
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1149
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1148
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1147
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1146
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1145
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1144
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1143
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1142
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1141
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1140
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1139
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1138
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1137
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1136
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1135
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1134
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1133
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1132
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1131
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1130
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1129
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1128
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1127
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1126
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1125
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1124
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1123
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1122
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1121
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1120
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1119
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1118
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1117
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1116
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1115
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1114
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1113
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1112
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1111
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1110
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1109
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1108
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1107
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1106
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1105
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1104
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1103
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1102
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1101
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1100
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1099
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1098
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1097
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1096
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1095
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1094
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1093
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1092
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1091
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1090
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1089
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1088
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1087
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1086
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1085
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1084
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1083
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1082
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1081
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1080
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1079
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1078
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1077
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1076
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1075
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1074
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1073
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1072
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1071
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1070
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1069
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1068
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1067
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1066
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1065
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1064
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1063
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1062
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1061
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1060
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1059
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1058
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1057
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1056
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1055
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1054
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1053
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1052
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1051
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1050
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1049
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1048
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1047
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1046
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1045
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1044
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1043
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1042
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1041
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1040
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1039
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1038
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1037
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1036
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1035
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1034
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1033
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1032
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1031
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1030
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1029
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1028
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1027
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1026
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1025
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1024
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1023
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1022
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1021
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1020
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1019
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1018
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1017
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1016
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1015
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1014
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1013
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1012
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1011
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1010
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1009
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1008
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1007
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1006
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1005
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1004
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1003
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1002
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1001
Tip/Quote of the Day # 1000
Tip/Quote of the Day # 999
Tip/Quote of the Day # 998
Tip/Quote of the Day # 997
Tip/Quote of the Day # 996
Tip/Quote of the Day # 995
Tip/Quote of the Day # 994
Tip/Quote of the Day # 993
Tip/Quote of the Day # 992
Tip/Quote of the Day # 991
Tip/Quote of the Day # 990
Tip/Quote of the Day # 989
Tip/Quote of the Day # 988
Tip/Quote of the Day # 987
Tip/Quote of the Day # 986
Tip/Quote of the Day # 985
Tip/Quote of the Day # 984
Tip/Quote of the Day # 983
Tip/Quote of the Day # 982
Tip/Quote of the Day # 981
Tip/Quote of the Day # 980
Tip/Quote of the Day # 979
Tip/Quote of the Day # 978
Tip/Quote of the Day # 977
Tip/Quote of the Day # 976
Tip/Quote of the Day # 975
Tip/Quote of the Day # 974
Tip/Quote of the Day # 973
Tip/Quote of the Day # 972
Tip/Quote of the Day # 971
Tip/Quote of the Day # 970
Tip/Quote of the Day # 969
Tip/Quote of the Day # 968
Tip/Quote of the Day # 967
Tip/Quote of the Day # 966
Tip/Quote of the Day # 965
Tip/Quote of the Day # 964
Tip/Quote of the Day # 963
Tip/Quote of the Day # 962
Tip/Quote of the Day # 961
Tip/Quote of the Day # 960
Tip/Quote of the Day # 959
Tip/Quote of the Day # 958
Tip/Quote of the Day # 957
Tip/Quote of the Day # 956
Tip/Quote of the Day # 955
Tip/Quote of the Day # 954
Tip/Quote of the Day # 953
Tip/Quote of the Day # 952
Tip/Quote of the Day # 951
Tip/Quote of the Day # 950
Tip/Quote of the Day # 949
Tip/Quote of the Day # 948
Tip/Quote of the Day # 947
Tip/Quote of the Day # 946
Tip/Quote of the Day # 945
Tip/Quote of the Day # 944
Tip/Quote of the Day # 943
Tip/Quote of the Day # 942
Tip/Quote of the Day # 941
Tip/Quote of the Day # 940
Tip/Quote of the Day # 939
Tip/Quote of the Day # 938
Tip/Quote of the Day # 937
Tip/Quote of the Day # 936
Tip/Quote of the Day # 935
Tip/Quote of the Day # 934
Tip/Quote of the Day # 933
Tip/Quote of the Day # 932
Tip/Quote of the Day # 931
Tip/Quote of the Day # 930
Tip/Quote of the Day # 929
Tip/Quote of the Day # 928
Tip/Quote of the Day # 927
Tip/Quote of the Day # 926
Tip/Quote of the Day # 925
Tip/Quote of the Day # 924
Tip/Quote of the Day # 923
Tip/Quote of the Day # 922
Tip/Quote of the Day # 921
Tip/Quote of the Day # 920
Tip/Quote of the Day # 919
Tip/Quote of the Day # 918
Tip/Quote of the Day # 917
Tip/Quote of the Day # 916
Tip/Quote of the Day # 915
Tip/Quote of the Day # 914
Tip/Quote of the Day # 913
Tip/Quote of the Day # 912
Tip/Quote of the Day # 911
Tip/Quote of the Day # 910
Tip/Quote of the Day # 909
Tip/Quote of the Day # 908
Tip/Quote of the Day # 907
Tip/Quote of the Day # 906
Tip/Quote of the Day # 905
Tip/Quote of the Day # 904
Tip/Quote of the Day # 903
Tip/Quote of the Day # 902
Tip/Quote of the Day # 901
Tip/Quote of the Day # 900
Tip/Quote of the Day # 899
Tip/Quote of the Day # 898
Tip/Quote of the Day # 897
Tip/Quote of the Day # 896
Tip/Quote of the Day # 895
Tip/Quote of the Day # 894
Tip/Quote of the Day # 893
Tip/Quote of the Day # 892
Tip/Quote of the Day # 891
Tip/Quote of the Day # 890
Tip/Quote of the Day # 889
Tip/Quote of the Day # 888
Tip/Quote of the Day # 887
Tip/Quote of the Day # 886
Tip/Quote of the Day # 885
Tip/Quote of the Day # 884
Tip/Quote of the Day # 883
Tip/Quote of the Day # 882
Tip/Quote of the Day # 881
Tip/Quote of the Day # 880
Tip/Quote of the Day # 879
Tip/Quote of the Day # 878
Tip/Quote of the Day # 877
Tip/Quote of the Day # 876
Tip/Quote of the Day # 875
Tip/Quote of the Day # 874
Tip/Quote of the Day # 873
Tip/Quote of the Day # 872
Tip/Quote of the Day # 871
Tip/Quote of the Day # 870
Tip/Quote of the Day # 869
Tip/Quote of the Day # 868
Tip/Quote of the Day # 867
Tip/Quote of the Day # 866
Tip/Quote of the Day # 865
Tip/Quote of the Day # 864
Tip/Quote of the Day # 863
Tip/Quote of the Day # 862
Tip/Quote of the Day # 861
Tip/Quote of the Day # 860
Tip/Quote of the Day # 859
Tip/Quote of the Day # 858
Tip/Quote of the Day # 857
Tip/Quote of the Day # 856
Tip/Quote of the Day # 855
Tip/Quote of the Day # 854
Tip/Quote of the Day # 853
Tip/Quote of the Day # 852
Tip/Quote of the Day # 851
Tip/Quote of the Day # 850
Tip/Quote of the Day # 849
Tip/Quote of the Day # 848
Tip/Quote of the Day # 847
Tip/Quote of the Day # 846
Tip/Quote of the Day # 845
Tip/Quote of the Day # 844
Tip/Quote of the Day # 843
Tip/Quote of the Day # 842
Tip/Quote of the Day # 841
Tip/Quote of the Day # 840
Tip/Quote of the Day # 839
Tip/Quote of the Day # 838
Tip/Quote of the Day # 837
Tip/Quote of the Day # 836
Tip/Quote of the Day # 835
Tip/Quote of the Day # 834
Tip/Quote of the Day # 833
Tip/Quote of the Day # 832
Tip/Quote of the Day # 831
Tip/Quote of the Day # 830
Tip/Quote of the Day # 829
Tip/Quote of the Day # 828
Tip/Quote of the Day # 827
Tip/Quote of the Day # 826
Tip/Quote of the Day # 825
Tip/Quote of the Day # 824
Tip/Quote of the Day # 823
Tip/Quote of the Day # 822
Tip/Quote of the Day # 821
Tip/Quote of the Day # 820
Tip/Quote of the Day # 819
Tip/Quote of the Day # 818
Tip/Quote of the Day # 817
Tip/Quote of the Day # 816
Tip/Quote of the Day # 815
Tip/Quote of the Day # 814
Tip/Quote of the Day # 813
Tip/Quote of the Day # 812
Tip/Quote of the Day # 811
Tip/Quote of the Day # 810
Tip/Quote of the Day # 809
Tip/Quote of the Day # 808
Tip/Quote of the Day # 807
Tip/Quote of the Day # 806
Tip/Quote of the Day # 805
Tip/Quote of the Day # 804
Tip/Quote of the Day # 803
Tip/Quote of the Day # 802
Tip/Quote of the Day # 801
Tip/Quote of the Day # 800
Tip/Quote of the Day # 799
Tip/Quote of the Day # 798
Tip/Quote of the Day # 797
Tip/Quote of the Day # 796
Tip/Quote of the Day # 795
Tip/Quote of the Day # 794
Tip/Quote of the Day # 793
Tip/Quote of the Day # 792
Tip/Quote of the Day # 791
Tip/Quote of the Day # 790
Tip/Quote of the Day # 789
Tip/Quote of the Day # 788
Tip/Quote of the Day # 787
Tip/Quote of the Day # 786
Tip/Quote of the Day # 785
Tip/Quote of the Day # 784
Tip/Quote of the Day # 783
Tip/Quote of the Day # 782
Tip/Quote of the Day # 781
Tip/Quote of the Day # 780
Tip/Quote of the Day # 779
Tip/Quote of the Day # 778
Tip/Quote of the Day # 777
Tip/Quote of the Day # 776
Tip/Quote of the Day # 775
Tip/Quote of the Day # 774
Tip/Quote of the Day # 773
Tip/Quote of the Day # 772
Tip/Quote of the Day # 771
Tip/Quote of the Day # 770
Tip/Quote of the Day # 769
Tip/Quote of the Day # 768
Tip/Quote of the Day # 767
Tip/Quote of the Day # 766
Tip/Quote of the Day # 765
Tip/Quote of the Day # 764
Tip/Quote of the Day # 763
Tip/Quote of the Day # 762
Tip/Quote of the Day # 761
Tip/Quote of the Day # 760
Tip/Quote of the Day # 759
Tip/Quote of the Day # 758
Tip/Quote of the Day # 757
Tip/Quote of the Day # 756
Tip/Quote of the Day # 755
Tip/Quote of the Day # 754
Tip/Quote of the Day # 753
Tip/Quote of the Day # 752
Tip/Quote of the Day # 751
Tip/Quote of the Day # 750
Tip/Quote of the Day # 749
Tip/Quote of the Day # 748
Tip/Quote of the Day # 747
Tip/Quote of the Day # 746
Tip/Quote of the Day # 745
Tip/Quote of the Day # 744
Tip/Quote of the Day # 743
Tip/Quote of the Day # 742
Tip/Quote of the Day # 741
Tip/Quote of the Day # 740
Tip/Quote of the Day # 739
Tip/Quote of the Day # 738
Tip/Quote of the Day # 737
Tip/Quote of the Day # 736
Tip/Quote of the Day # 735
Tip/Quote of the Day # 734
Tip/Quote of the Day # 733
Tip/Quote of the Day # 732
Tip/Quote of the Day # 731
Tip/Quote of the Day # 730
Tip/Quote of the Day # 729
Tip/Quote of the Day # 728
Tip/Quote of the Day # 727
Tip/Quote of the Day # 726
Tip/Quote of the Day # 725
Tip/Quote of the Day # 724
Tip/Quote of the Day # 723
Tip/Quote of the Day # 722
Tip/Quote of the Day # 721
Tip/Quote of the Day # 720
Tip/Quote of the Day # 719
Tip/Quote of the Day # 718
Tip/Quote of the Day # 717
Tip/Quote of the Day # 716
Tip/Quote of the Day # 715
Tip/Quote of the Day # 714
Tip/Quote of the Day # 713
Tip/Quote of the Day # 712
Tip/Quote of the Day # 711
Tip/Quote of the Day # 710
Tip/Quote of the Day # 709
Tip/Quote of the Day # 708
Tip/Quote of the Day # 707
Tip/Quote of the Day # 706
Tip/Quote of the Day # 705
Tip/Quote of the Day # 704
Tip/Quote of the Day # 703
Tip/Quote of the Day # 702
Tip/Quote of the Day # 701
Tip/Quote of the Day # 700
Tip/Quote of the Day # 699
Tip/Quote of the Day # 698
Tip/Quote of the Day # 697
Tip/Quote of the Day # 696
Tip/Quote of the Day # 695
Tip/Quote of the Day # 694
Tip/Quote of the Day # 693
Tip/Quote of the Day # 692
Tip/Quote of the Day # 691
Tip/Quote of the Day # 690
Tip/Quote of the Day # 689
Tip/Quote of the Day # 688
Tip/Quote of the Day # 687
Tip/Quote of the Day # 686
Tip/Quote of the Day # 685
Tip/Quote of the Day # 684
Tip/Quote of the Day # 683
Tip/Quote of the Day # 682
Tip/Quote of the Day # 681
Tip/Quote of the Day # 680
Tip/Quote of the Day # 679
Tip/Quote of the Day # 678
Tip/Quote of the Day # 677
Tip/Quote of the Day # 676
Tip/Quote of the Day # 675
Tip/Quote of the Day # 674
Tip/Quote of the Day # 673
Tip/Quote of the Day # 672
Tip/Quote of the Day # 671
Tip/Quote of the Day # 670
Tip/Quote of the Day # 669
Tip/Quote of the Day # 668
Tip/Quote of the Day # 667
Tip/Quote of the Day # 666
Tip/Quote of the Day # 665
Tip/Quote of the Day # 664
Tip/Quote of the Day # 663
Tip/Quote of the Day # 662
Tip/Quote of the Day # 661
Tip/Quote of the Day # 660
Tip/Quote of the Day # 659
Tip/Quote of the Day # 658
Tip/Quote of the Day # 657
Tip/Quote of the Day # 656
Tip/Quote of the Day # 655
Tip/Quote of the Day # 654
Tip/Quote of the Day # 653
Tip/Quote of the Day # 652
Tip/Quote of the Day # 651
Tip/Quote of the Day # 650
Tip/Quote of the Day # 649
Tip/Quote of the Day # 648
Tip/Quote of the Day # 647
Tip/Quote of the Day # 646
Tip/Quote of the Day # 645
Tip/Quote of the Day # 644
Tip/Quote of the Day # 643
Tip/Quote of the Day # 642
Tip/Quote of the Day # 641
Tip/Quote of the Day # 640
Tip/Quote of the Day # 639
Tip/Quote of the Day # 638
Tip/Quote of the Day # 637
Tip/Quote of the Day # 636
Tip/Quote of the Day # 635
Tip/Quote of the Day # 634
Tip/Quote of the Day # 633
Tip/Quote of the Day # 632
Tip/Quote of the Day # 631
Tip/Quote of the Day # 630
Tip/Quote of the Day # 629
Tip/Quote of the Day # 628
Tip/Quote of the Day # 627
Tip/Quote of the Day # 626
Tip/Quote of the Day # 625
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Tip/Quote of the Day # 623
Tip/Quote of the Day # 622
Tip/Quote of the Day # 621
Tip/Quote of the Day # 620
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Tip/Quote of the Day # 597
Tip/Quote of the Day # 596
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Tip/Quote of the Day # 593
Tip/Quote of the Day # 592
Tip/Quote of the Day # 591
Tip/Quote of the Day # 590
Tip/Quote of the Day # 589
Tip/Quote of the Day # 588
Tip/Quote of the Day # 587
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Tip/Quote of the Day # 583
Tip/Quote of the Day # 582
Tip/Quote of the Day # 581
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Tip/Quote of the Day # 571
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- ~Shannon's Corner~
Shannon's Blog Post # 10: So how often do we see rules for dating a riders? I've decided to add my own:
Shannon's Blog Post # 9
Shannon's Blog Post # 8
Shannon's Blog Post # 7
Shannon's Blog Post # 6
Shannon's Blog post # 5: The Mental Obstacle Course of Riding
Shannon's Blog Post # 4
Shannon's Blog Post # 3
Shannon's Blog post # 2: Courage For Our Cowardly Lion
Shannon's Blog post # 1: Introduction!
- ~Guest Bloggers~
Guest Blog # 122: Walk... Don't Walk by Bill Woods
Guest Blog # 121: Lunging, by Bill Woods
Guest Blog # 120: Too Focused? by Bill Woods
Guest Blog # 119: "Eventing vs Autocross!" by Soraya V Juarbe-Diaz
Guest Blog # 118: Why Counter Canter? by Bill Woods
Guest Blog # 117: IT’S A HOLD UP! by Bill Woods
Guest Blog # 116: "The Cone of Uncertainty" by Bill Woods
Guest Blog # 115: "The Words Are Not Magic" by Bill Woods
Guest Blog # 114: "To Take the Plunge Or Not" by Bill Woods
Guest Blog # 113: "Less Making, More Allowing" by Bill Woods
Guest Blog # 112: "Up Against the Wall" by Bill Woods
Guest Blog # 111: "Weighty Matters" by Bill Woods
Guest Blog # 110: "How Can I Gain My Horse's Trust?" by Bill Woods
Guest Blog post # 109: Out of Order in the (Dressage) Court, by Bill Woods
Guest Blog post # 108: "The Shadow Knows" by Bill Woods
Guest Blog post # 107: "The Error of Their Ways", by Bill Woods
Guest Blog post # 106: "By the Numbers" by Bill Woods
Guest Blog post # 105: "Meet the New USDF Dressage Tests" by Bill Woods
Guest Blog post # 104: "Everything in Context" by Bill Woods
Guest Blog post # 103: "It’s a Pirate’s Life" by Bill Woods
Guest Blog post # 102: "Stat!" by Bill Woods
Guest Blog post # 101: "Roundly Critiqued" by Bill Woods
Guest Blog post # 100: "When 'Alt' IS Right" by Bill Woods
Guest Blog post # 99: "Higher and Higher" by Bill Woods
Guest Blog post # 98: "Bites of Expression" by Lisa Bauman
Guest Blog post # 97: "How Far Does a Dollar Go?" by Bill Woods
Guest Blog post # 96: "Mr Ponderful" by Bill Woods
Guest Blog post # 95: "Situation Critical" by Bill Woods
Guest Blog post # 94: "Seeing Into the Future (A Few Strides)" by Bill Woods
Guest Blog post # 93: "Convincing (UN)" by Bill Woods
Guest Blog post # 92: "Responsible S’il Vous Plait" by Bill Woods
Guest Blog post # 91: "Roamin Empires - Sad!" by Bill Woods
Guest Blog post # 90: "Fancy But...." by Bill Woods
Guest Blog post # 89: "> or < ?" by Bill Woods
Guest Blog post # 88: "Trainer Relationships: Caustic or Constructive?" by Bill Kraatz
Guest Blog post # 87: "And He Thinks We Are Crazy!" ~ by Bill Woods
Guest Blog post # 86: "Lines Disease" by Bill Woods
Guest Blog post # 85: "All You Need is Leg" by Bill Woods
Guest Blog post # 84: "Bring Back the Horse's Instincts" by Dr. Juliet M. Getty
Guest Blog post # 83: "Tack: Fashion or Function (Part 1)" by Bill Kraatz
Guest Blog post # 82: "Horses as Mirrors" by Deanna Selioutski
Guest Blog post # 81: "Classical vs Competitive" by Bill Kraatz
Guest Blog post # 80: "The Professional Edge: Classically driven or Client driven?" by Bill Kraatz
Guest Blog post # 79: "One Ball, One Strike" by Bill Woods
Guest Blog post # 78: "Does Your PB Matter?" by Bill Woods
Guest Blog post # 77: "The Amateur's Affliction" by Bill Woods
Guest Blog post # 76: "Just Do it... But WHEN?" by Bill Woods
Guest Blog post # 75: "Returning to Riding" by Deanna at
Guest Blog post # 74: "Imagine (there's no pulling)" by Bill Woods
Guest Blog post # 73: "Reiner Klimke Couldn’t Sit That Trot" by the infamous Bad Eventer!
Guest Blog post # 72: "An Aspirational Half Halt?" by Bill Woods
Guest Blog Post # 71: "The Time Warp" by Bill Woods
Guest Blog post # 70: "If It Occurs To Us" by Bill Woods
Guest Blog post # 69: "Learning Lows - Part 4" by the famous Bad Eventer!
Guest Blog post # 68: "You May, You Must!" by Bill Woods
Guest Blog post # 67: "Winter Workouts" by Suzanne Adams
Guest Blog post # 66: "Fit Bit-itis" by Bill Woods
Guest Blog post # 65: "Conscious Incompetence" by the infamous Bad Eventer!
Guest Blog post # 64: "(You can't make this stuff up) Officer, I tried to raise her right!" by Bill Woods
Guest Blog post # 63: "Trick or Treat" by the Bad Eventer!
Guest Blog post # 62: "In For a Nickel" by Bill Woods
Guest Blog post # 61: "Yesterday's Gone" by Bill Woods
Guest Blog post # 60: "Beyond the Mo" by Bill Woods
Guest Blog post # 59: "Tendon and Ligament Injuries" by Dr. Corine Selders
Guest Blog post # 58: "Not For Me" by the famous Bad Eventer!
Guest Blog post # 57: "Tabula Rasa" by Bill Woods
Guest Blog post # 56: "Negative, Ghost Rider, the pattern is full!" by Bill Woods
Guest Blog Post # 55: "The Last to Find Out is Always…" by Bill Woods
Guest Blog post # 54: "Deer in the Headlights" by the famous Bad Eventer!
Guest Blog post # 53: "Cheaters Never Win, and Winners Never..." by Bill Woods
Guest Blog post # 52: "The Stuff that Dreams are Made of" by Bill Woods
Guest Blog post # 51: "One Year Later..." from member Amy Cave, showing just what good care, conditioning, and training can do for a horse's body!
Guest Blog post # 50: "I've Got You" from the famous Bad Eventer!
Guest Blog post # 49: "More Classical Baggage" by Bill Woods
Guest Blog post # 48: "The Biomechanics of Jumping Position" by Alexis Soutter DVM
Guest Blog Post # 47: "Cornered!" by Bill Woods
Guest Blog Post # 46: "Vending Machines" by the great Bill Woods
Guest Blog Post # 45: "The Dark Side visited…and loved" by Jody Jaffe
Guest Blog Post # 44: "Unless You're Incredibly Pigheaded, You Don't Have to Live With Your Decisions" by the great Bill Woods
Guest Blog Post # 43: "Coming Out of the Closet - The Plan - Part 3" from the famous Bad Eventer!
Guest Blog Post # 42: "I'm Melting!" by the great Bill Woods!
Guest Blog Post # 41: "Put De Posit Here, Not Dere" by Bill Woods
Guest Blog Post # 40: "The Walk of (Your) Life" by Bill Woods
Guest Blog Post # 39: "Fear" by Shanyn Fiske
Guest Blog Post # 38: "Tammy, Tell Me 'Through'" by Bill Woods
Guest Blog Post # 37: "Learning From Competitions" by Jocelyn Thibodeau
Guest Blog Post # 36: "Desperation, Exasperation, & Motivation" from the famous Bad Eventer!
Guest Blog Post # 35: "The Event Horse's Instructional Video: How to whip your rider into shape!" by Helen Brew
Guest Blog Post # 34: "To Coby" from Jennifer Shattuck
Guest Blog Post # 33: "Warm Up Survival" by the famous Bad Eventer!
Guest Blog Post # 32: "Leave Him Wanting More" by the great Bill Woods!
Guest Blog Post # 31: "If I Tell You, I'll Have to Kill You!" by the great Bill Woods!
Guest Blog post # 30: "Pro and Con Tact" from the great Bill Woods!
Guest Blog post # 29: "When it's Not Working" by the famous Bad Eventer!
Guest Blog post # 28: "What's Not For Sale" by Beth Rasin
Guest Blog post # 27: "When Riding Isn't Second Nature" by Lila Gendal
Guest Blog post # 26: "Horseless???" by the great Bad Eventer!
Guest Blog post # 25: "Adventures with Lucinda Green" by Amy Wright
Guest Blog post # 24: "Ten Things..." by MMC Eventing
Guest Blog post # 23: "Setting Goals - a Real Life Example" by Lauren Gretgrix
Guest Blog post # 22: "Streeeeeetch" by Amanda Tamminga
Guest Blog post # 21: "How Did I Know I'd Find You in Self Help??!!" by the famous Bad Eventer!
Guest Blog post # 20: "One Step Forward, Two Steps Back" by the famous Bad Eventer!
Guest Blog post # 19: "Writing Goals in Concrete, and Plans in Sand" by Jennifer Shattuck
Guest Blog post # 18: "The Rest of the Story" by the famous Bad Eventer!
Guest Blog post # 17: "The Watcher" by Amy Wright
Guest Blog post # 16: "Remember, it's OK to Make Mistakes" by Grey Brook Eventing
Guest Blog post # 15: "This Little Piggy" by Jennifer Shattuck
Guest Blog entry # 14: "Back to Basics" by the great Bad Eventer!
Guest Blog entry # 13: "Jane Hamlin lesson with Ky" by Katherine Erickson
Guest Blog entry # 12: Bad Eventer gets 5th place at her first Intermediate Event!
Guest Blog entry # 11: "The Horror of Prelim B" by the famous Bad Eventer!
Guest Blog entry # 10: "Rolex (Okay, not Rolex, but it felt like it)" by: Jennifer Shattuck
Guest Blog entry # 9: "The Secret to Winning" by Cherie Chauvin
Guest Blog entry # 8: "Cross Country and the Learning Curve" by Becky Rickly
Guest Blog entry # 7: "How Bad Eventer Found Her Sitting Trot" by the great Bad Eventer!
Guest Blog entry # 6: "Attitude is Everything" by: Top Flight Farm
Guest Blog entry # 5: Take THAT Ditch and tarp... Kapow!! by: Holly Breaux
Guest Blog entry # 4: "Beat the Confidence Monster But Took a Stupid Pill" by Jennifer Shattuck
Guest Blog entry # 3: "Let There Be Light!" By: Suzanne Adams
Guest Blog entry # 2: "Fitness (aka I am NOT Tired!!!!)" from the great Bad Eventer!
Guest Blog entry # 1: "Battling the Confidence Monster" by Jennifer Shattuck
- Testimonials
- ~Lesley's Corner~
Monitor Your Horse's Stress Levels, For Best Results in Training
There Are Always Two Sides to Every Story - Even Between You and Your Horse!
Is Your Free Walk Really FREE? And Do You Make Good Use Of It?
Interval Training For Conditioning the Event Horse
The Order of Aids For Changing Your Horse's Bend From One Side to the Other
A Little Trick That is Helpful in the Training of Hot or Nervous Horses
A Test to See If Your Horse is in LATERAL Self Carriage
Canter Pole Exercise # 1
An Exercise to Help You to Find Your Abdominal Muscles When in the Saddle
The 'Half-Go'
3 Distinctly Different Ways of Controlling Your Horse's Shoulders in Circles, Turns & Lateral Work
All About Nosebands & Bridles
An Exercise to Sharpen Your Horse’s Response to the Outside Aids
A Tool to Sharpen Your Horse's Jumping Form and Focus (For Horses & Riders of All Levels!)
Basic Suppling Exercise # 6
Rider Leg Aids
An Exercise to Help You Improve ALL of Your Downward Transitions
An Exercise to Rev Your Horse’s Motor - Building Impulsion & Hind Leg Engagement
Basic Suppling Exercise # 5
How to Train for Self Carriage at the Gallop
An Exercise to Help Teach Your Horse to Seek the Connection
A Jumping Exercise to Help You to Turn Your Speed Into Impulsion
Does Your Horse Like Rein Contact Right Up to the Point of Takeoff at a Jump? Or Does He Prefer a Soft/Loose Rein in the Final Strides? Find Out Here!
A Mental Trick to Help You to Think More About Your Horse's Hind Legs When Riding & Jumping
Practice This the Next Time You Go Cross Country Schooling!
Jumping Rideability Exercise # 3
Advanced Trot Pole Exercise # 3
Try This Mental Trick, to Quickly Bring Your Riding to a New Level!
Is Your Horse Sore in These Very Common Areas??
"Reset" Your Aids
The Triangle Exercise
An Exercise to Help You to Refine Your Turning Aids
An Exercise to Rev Up the LAZY Jumper
A Simple Exercise to Help You to Relax and Reset the Position of Your Shoulders When Riding
All About the Volte!
An Exercise to Improve Your Horse's Carriage in the Dressage Ring
All Roads Lead to Rome.... Or Do They??
Training and Conditioning the Young Event Horse
The Counted Walk - a Tool to Improve Your Horse's Carriage in Dressage
A TEST of Your Horse's Rideability & Adjustability
Do You Get Nervous When You Perform at a Horse Show??
The Ultimate Rider Hand Position Fix!
A Ground Pole Exercise to Improve Your Horse’s Rideability Over Fences
The Box Exercise
Advanced Jumping Exercise # 1
Advanced Trot Pole Exercise # 2
How Your Driving Habits Relate to Your Riding Habits
An Exercise to Teach Your Horse to Be More HOT to Your Inside Leg Aid
An Exercise to Help Improve Your Horse's Connection Over the Back
The Benefits of "Stair Stepping" Your Lateral Exercises
Does Your Horse Fall In When Lunging?
The Crest Release, the Automatic Release, and Everything In Between (With Pictures!)
The *Volume* of Your Aids
The Benefits of Jumping Fences at Sharp Angles
An Exercise For Riders at All Levels, That Will Improve Your Dressage Test!
A Funny Story - With an Important Message! (Current freebie!)
Jumping Rideability Exercise # 2 - For Horses & Riders at All Levels
An Advanced Trot Pole Exercise to Improve Suppleness, Strength, and Rideability
Lateral Work as "Medicine" For the Dressage Horse
A Spanish Riding School Exercise to Increase the Collection in Your Horse's Canter
Do You Know What Skills You and Your Horse Need to Have Before Entering a Novice Level Event?
Help to Ensure That Your Horse LIKES His or Her Job!
The “Floor” of Your Dressage Seat
The Adjustability Exercise
A Variety of Exercises to Do With 3 Poles on the Ground - For Riders of All Levels!
Signs That Your Performance Horse Might Be Sore
The Great Debate - To Look For a Distance or Focus on the Quality of the Canter When Jumping (Current freebie!)
Does Your Horse Pick Up the Canter With His Haunches In?
The Wiggly Worm Exercise
The Pre Purchase Exam
Where a Rider Should Look When Riding the Various Lateral Movements
HOW to Use the Turn Into Each Jump to Balance Your Horse
Everything You Need to Know About Jumping Up a Bank
Riding From "Front to Back"
The Function of the Rider’s Elbow Joints
The "Shoulder Yield" Exercise
A Test of Your Flatwork Training (For All Levels!)
Trotting Fences
Clashing of Aids vs the Coordination of Aids
The Pre Flight Checklist
The Power of Your True Intentions!
3 Signs That Your Bending Aids Are Working Correctly
An Exercise to Help You Find an Even Pace Over Fences
Horses that Tilt Their Head in Dressage
Learn Your Horse's Natural Tendencies
The BEST Exercise to Loosen Up Your Horse's Tight Lower Back Area
Nose to the Wall Leg Yield
An Exercise to Improve Your Cross Country (For Riders at Every Level !)
Improve Your Ability to Think on Your Feet When Riding!
How Many Gears Do You Have in the Canter?
The Corridor of Aids
An Exercise to Help Improve Your Trot to Canter Transitions
What Does it Mean for the Horse to be "Between the Rider’s Hand and Leg"?
Could YOU Jump a Fence That Fell Out of the Sky and Landed Three Strides in Front of You as You Canter or Gallop Along??
Dressage Canter Adjustability Exercise # 2
An Exercise to Teach BOTH Horse & Rider to Be More Patient in Front of Jumps
An Important Skill to Practice For Riding a Cross Country Course
The Difference Between a "Correction" and Punishment When Training Horses
Teach Your Horse to Better Follow Your Eye When Jumping
The Most Productive Way to Begin Each Ride
Making the Best Use of the Terrain on Cross Country
An Ian Stark Jumping Exercise (For the Very Brave!) That Will Sharpen Up Every Horse!
The Number One Rule For a Rider When Approaching a Jump!
Different Half Halts For Different Situations
Develop an Independent *Hand* - an Essential Skill That is Key to a Good Rein Connection!
Adding More *Scope* to Your Lateral Work - For Better Dressage Scores!
Advanced Grid Work - Adjustability Over Fences
How to Build Strength in Your Horse's Canter
Does Your Horse (or You) Lose Confidence in Triple Combinations? Give This Exercise a Try!
Horses That Wag Their Head From Side to Side
The Art of Slipping the Reins - and When and When NOT To Do So
Introducing the Counter Canter
The Return to the Track in Counter Shoulder In Exercise
The Use of Patterns in the Training of Dressage
Basic Suppling Exercise # 4
Improve Your Canter to Trot Transitions!
Dressage Canter Adjustability Exercise
Tips For Managing the Hot/Anxious Type of Horse
Care of the Horse After Cross Country
Does Your Horse Try to Pull You Out of the Saddle?
The Snowball Effect - and How to Keep it From Happening to Your Riding!
Keeping the Older Horse Going Strong
Some Ways to Challenge Your Horse's Ability to Think Quickly (Current freebie!)
The S-Turn Jumping Exercise
The Classic Galloping Position
Tall and Short Rider Problems!
The Bow Tie Exercise
Are You Thinking Right Away When You Land From a Jump?
An Exercise to Test Your Horse's Straightness, Evenness in the Bridle, and Suppleness in the Poll
Bringing a Horse Back Into Work After Illness or Injury
The Problems in the Eventing World Today! (written in 2014) (Current freebie!)
A Fun Exercise to Test Your Control and Your Horse's Responsiveness
A Very Useful Version of the Serpentine Exercise
The Mark Todd Clinic - Fresno CA, Jan 2015 (Current Freebie!)
Stop Your Habit of Pulling the Inside Rein!
Are You Riding With Your Reins at the Right Length?
Do You Have Trouble Stopping Your Horse??
Square Exercise # 3
The Three Point Position
The Full Body Relaxation Exercise (For the Rider)
A Quick and Easy Self Hand Check For Riders
Improve Your Ability to Sink Into Your Heels
The Paradox of Training - Energy vs Relaxation
An Exercise to Test the Foundation of Your Jumping (Current Freebie!)
An Exercise to Increase Pushing Power Behind, and Improve the Quality of Your Lengthened, Medium, and Extended Gaits
Getting Through the Trot Up At a Three Day Event
A Simple, But Often Overlooked Exercise to Help Relax a Tense Horse
How to Keep Your Horses SOUND!
On Riding Goals!
What To Do When You Are Stuck in a Rut With Your Riding (Current Freebie!)
Develop an Independent Seat!
Jumps With a "Surprise" Factor
Using a Leverage Bit
Handling Cross Country Start Box Issues!
Is Your Horse Even in the Reins?
An Exercise to Sharpen Up Jumping Form and Increase Carefulness
The Different Bits, and Their Actions
A Quick and Easy Rider Hand Position Self Check
The Ultimate Rider Leg Strengthening Exercise!
Square Exercise # 2 - The Diamond Exercise
A Trainer's Responsibility! (That's YOU!) (Current Freebie!)
Use Cue Words to Improve Your Performance (Current freebie!)
Improving the Trot
How Centrifugal Force Affects Your Riding
An Exercise to Improve Your Ability to Coordinate Your Aids
Use the "As If" Principle to Improve Your Riding (Current Freebie!)
The Horse That Wants to Shorten Its Neck
How Good Posture Unravels
The Short Backed Horse
Basic Suppling Exercise # 3
Do You Give Your Horse Conflicting Aids?
The Long Backed Horse
An Exercise to Test Horse and Rider Balance at the Canter When Jumping
A Test to See if You Are Pulling on Your Horse
The Responsibility Exercise
An Exercise to Teach Your Horse Not to Anticipate When Jumping
What To Do When a Half Halt Doesn't Work
My Take on the Difference Between the US Event Riders and Those 'Down Under' (2013) (Current Freebie!)
The Low Wide Oxer Exercise
Stirrup Length for Jumping
Stirrup Length for Dressage
The Bravery Test (Current freebie!)
The Different Schools of Dressage
Basic Suppling Exercise # 2
The Rein Back
Keep Your Aids Dynamic
Focus is a Key Ingredient to Success (Current Freebie!)
Does Your Horse Have an Alpha Personality?
An Exercise to Help Your Lengthenings Last the Full Diagonal
Eliminate Your Bad Habits!
The Horse That Wants to RUN Into the Canter
My All Time Favorite Suppling Exercise!
An Exercise to Teach You to Ride Forward Through the Turns to Jumps
An Exercise to Help You Ride ROUND Circles
An Exercise to Help You Ride More Fluidly Forward on Circles and Serpentines
The Overly Defensive Rider
What to Do If Your Horse "Jumps Over the Front End"
Teach Your Horse to Focus on the Top Rail of the Jump
Make Your Horse's Hind Legs More Active
Leg Protection For the Event Horse
Getting the Most Out of Riding in Clinics
Introducing Flying Changes
What to Do After a Refusal on Course
How to Ride a Galloping Jump (Current Freebie!)
Rider Position When Jumping a Drop Into Water
Impulsion Defined
Build a Strong Lower Leg!
An Exercise to Improve Your Ability to Sit the Trot
Jumping on an Angle
Are You Softening the Rein Correctly?
A Jumping Exercise to Sharpen Up Every Horse!
Basic Suppling Exercise # 1
Keep Your Horse in Front of Your Leg in the Halt
The Busy Mouthed Horse
Treating the Symptom VS the Root of the Problem (Current Freebie!)
Dressage Warm Up
Do You Brace Against Your Stirrups?
How Horses Learn From Mistakes (Current Freebie!)
Help Your Horse to Better See the Jump in Front of Him
The Scale of Compression in the Horse's Stride
Forward First!
An Exercise to Help Your Horse With Trot Lengthenings
Do You Have Trouble Keeping Your Feet Forward When Jumping?
One Thing at a Time!
Counter Bend is Your Friend
The Use of Spurs
An Exercise to Show You How to Control Your Strong Horse Without Pulling
Abort the Transition!
Dressage With the Croup High Horse
Walking Jumps
Ride the Horse You Are on at the Moment
Are You Making This Very Common Mistake in the Shoulder In?
An Exercise to Teach You to Wait For Your Horse to Jump
Does Your Horse Show This Positive Sign After a Flatwork Session?
Why Adrenaline is Your Friend on Cross Country
Square Exercise # 1
An Exercise to Improve Throughness Over the Horse's Back
Asking For a Transition VS Making it Happen
Why Good Circles Go Bad
Conquering the Dreaded Ditch and Wall Jump!
The Tail Tells the Story
Are You Going the Right Speed For YOUR Horse in the Show Jumping?
How to Safely Pull Your Horse Up at the End of Cross Country
How to Package Your Horse's Stride When Jumping
Is Your Horse Easily Distracted?
An Exercise to Improve Your Horse's Rideability on Course
Making Good Use of Limited Riding Time
Jumping From Water to Water
Carry Your Inside Hand!
The Almost Walk Exercise
Where to Look When Jumping
Making Related Distances Work For You
How a Downward Transition is Like Landing an Airplane
Keep Your Hips Moving to the Jumps
Handling Conflicting Advice From Trainers
The "Walk Two Steps and Trot Again" Exercise
Training the "Cluck" Response
Steeplechase! (Current freebie!)
The New Galloping Position Fad
An Exercise to Help You Stay More Still and Poised in Front of Jumps
Straightness Defined
Jumping From Light Into Dark
To Bit Up Or Not to Bit Up - That is the Question!
The Sit a Few Strides, Post a Few Strides Exercise
Turn on the Haunches
Are You a Student of the Sport?
How to Half Halt While in Galloping Position
An Exercise to Prepare for Skinny Jumps in Combinations
A Variation of the Spiral In and Out Exercise
Does Your Horse Know His ABC's?
Handling Pre Competition Nerves
How to Show More Bend in the Corners and Turns
Riding the Timid Jumper
Accepting the Bit VS Giving to the Bit
How Dressage is Similar to Baking a Cake
Show CLEAR Transitions in the Dressage Ring
Field Dressage
Leg Yielding
Ride Every Fence!
An Exercise to Help You Find Your Seat Bones
How to Engage Your Core When Riding
Horses That "Hop" When Going From Walk to Trot
Learn How to Judge the Length of Your Canter Stride When Jumping
Get off the Rail!
Maintaining the Horse's Length of Neck in Transitions (Current Freebie!)
How to Land From a Jump on the Desired Lead
The Horse/Rider Relationship - Respect Vs Trust
The Rubber Band Exercise
Plant the Seeds NOW for a Successful Show Season Next Year!
Bad Habits are Hard to Break!
The Horse That Tosses Its Head
Leg Movers VS Back Movers (Current Freebie!)
Feeding the Event Horse
Why Riding With Open Fingers is Not a Good Idea
The Horse That Carries Tension in its Back
How to Jump a Bullfinch
Cantering the Draft or Carriage Type Horse (current freebie!)
A Solid Foundation is the Key to Success
How to Best Handle Refusals and Runouts at Jumps
Rider Position is Crucial
A Rider's Control of Emotions
The Horse That Jumps TOO High
How to Get Your Horse to Spend More Time in the Air Over Jumps
Strength Training for the Equine Athlete
You Go Where You Look
The Front Door Analogy, That Will Help Improve Your Connection
How to Ride a Bench Jump
How to Ride a Corner Jump
A Test of Your Balance in Posting Trot
Behind the Bit VS Behind the Vertical
Planning for Success!
Riding the Horse that Anticipates
Changing Rein Through the Circle
Shortening Your Reins After a Drop Fence
One Sidedness in Riders
Free Jumping!
Creating Good Habits When Riding (Current Freebie!)
Lateral Flexion at the Poll
Resistance in the Bridle
Warm Up Strategies for Show Jumping
Pushing Power VS Carrying Power in the Horse's Hind Legs
Horses That Swap Out Leads Behind at the Canter
Riding the Dressage Movement E Turn Left B Turn Right
Dealing With the Horse that Rushes Jumps
Jumps at the Top of a Hill
Exercises to Improve Your Horse's Suppleness
The Speed Play Exercise
Riding in HOT Weather
Successfully Negotiating Double and Triple Combinations
Correcting the Horse that Drifts When Jumping
Improving Canter Departs
How to Ride a Bounce Bank
Are You a Decisive Rider?
Square VS Curved Turns to Jumps
Controlling the Strong Horse at the Gallop
The Test for Self Carriage
Downhill Jumps
Jumping on the Side of a Hill
How to Ride a Coffin Complex
The Coffin Canter
The Mysterious Half Halt (Current freebie!)
Applying Dressage to Jumping (Current freebie!)
The "Takeoff Zone" Area
Are Perfectionist Tendencies Hurting Your Performance?
Teaching Your Horse to be More Careful Over Jumps
Jumping in Muddy Conditions
10 Ways to Improve Your Dressage Scores
Lunging as a Training Aid
The Outside Rein
The Deep Distance - That Sweet Spot
Developing Feel as a Rider
Improving Your Score in the Free Walk
Memorizing Courses and Dressage Tests
Saddle Fit
How Are Your Working Gaits?
Spiral In and Out on a Circle
Walking the Cross Country Course
Using Visualization Techniques to Improve Your Riding
Shoulder In
Building Horse and Rider Confidence
What Does it Mean to "Ride Forward"? (Current freebie!)
The Pulley Rein (Current Freebie!)
How to Utilize Virtual Equestrian Coaching (Current freebie!)
Teaching Your Horse to Stay in Front of Your Leg
Trot Lengthenings
The Defensive Cross Country Seat
Lateral and Longitudinal Suppleness
Skinny Jumps
Principles of Horse Training (Current Freebie!)
The Quality of the Contact (Current Freebie!)
Rider Balance Equals Safety (Current freebie!)
Conditioning For Soundness
The Rider's Neutral Pelvis Position
Stretching the Horse
What Makes a Good Event Horse?
- Educational Discussions
Discussion # 182: Let's talk about refreshing your horse's response to the inside leg before you begin a circle!
Discussion # 181: How would you ride your green horse over this narrow fence?
Discussion # 180: Let's discuss this Training Level coffin complex!
Discussion # 179: How could you best ride this fence to help your horse to remain safely focused on the top rail?
Discussion # 178: The question asked here is: Can you jump this big wide spread fence, and still have enough control to jump the accuracy question that makes the next element?
Discussion # 177: How would you ride this "dark into light" cross country jump?
Discussion # 176: Let's discuss the difference between sinking down into your heels or seat bones, vs pushing into them
Discussion # 175: Let's discuss how far apart we should be carrying our hands when riding!
Discussion # 174: Let's discuss how to prevent accidentally teaching the horse an undesirable behavior by releasing the pressure of an aid at the wrong time!
Discussion # 173: How much pressure do you think we should have in the stirrup irons when seated in Dressage? And how much when jumping?
Discussion # 172: Let's talk about the similarities of ballroom dancing and riding horses!
Discussion # 171: How would you ride this Sunken Road cross country complex?
Discussion # 170: Look at the difference in this horse's musculature and carriage with time and training! What are the improvements that you notice?
Discussion # 169: Which of these pictures shows the best piaffe? (Click here to see enlarged picture)
Discussion # 168: Where exactly would you jump this cross country fence and why?
Discussion # 167: Let's discuss the Dressage term, "the falling down neck."
Discussion # 166: Which of these 2 horses is reaching more into the rein connection?
Discussion # 165: Which horse has better leg conformation?
Rule Quiz # 33: What are the rules regarding what type of whip you can carry for cross country?
Discussion # 164: What do you think this comment means?
Discussion # 163: How do you judge a horse's innate athletic ability *without* the ability to watch him jump?
Discussion # 162: The shoulder in is considered to be the "mother" of all lateral movements. Can anyone tell us why this is so?
Discussion # 161: Do you keep your horse on the aids when out hacking?
Discussion # 160: How would you ride this fence??
Video Discussion # 104: What caused this rail down?
Video Discussion # 103: On teaching a horse to be quick and clever, or to "pat the ground" when jumping from a deep distance.
Rule Quiz # 32: Who can tell us *how* you are allowed to use your spurs in Eventing competition? What specifically, is not allowed?
Video Discussion # 102: This is a great way to improve your posture when jumping!
Discussion # 159: How would you ride this fence?
Discussion # 158: What's the best piece of riding advice you have ever received??
Video Discussion # 101: I love this horse's naturally round and relaxed gallop stride on cross country!
Discussion # 157: How would you ride this cross country complex?
Video Discussion # 100: Let's watch Michael Jung's complete warm up for Dressage at this year's Rolex 3 Day Event!
Discussion # 156: How would you ride this Irish Bank?
Discussion # 155: How does your horse most commonly evade your bending aids?
Discussion # 154: Good vs bad extended trot
Discussion # 153: What does this rider need to work on??
Video Discussion # 99: The question was asked, "Can you discuss how to encourage a horse to be as careful and smart as this horse is on the downhill at 4:45?"
Quiz #31: Rule quiz!
Discussion # 152: Who can answer this question about the Dressage movement called "renvers"?
Video Discussion # 98: Great video working on half halts and the almost walk exercise. What did you learn?
Discussion # 151: How would you jump this fence??
Quiz # 30: Who can tell us exactly WHY it is so important to keep your horse straight when jumping a fence?
Video Discussion # 97: This is a great (and funny!) video showing everything you need to know about the movements turn on the forehand and turn on the haunches, along with some of leg yield and half pass.
Discussion # 150: Let's discuss this William Steinkraus quote!
Discussion # 149: How would you ride this complex?
Video Discussion # 96: This great video shows exactly why it is SO important to get your horse moving correctly through his back!
Video Discussion # 95: This video gives some good tips on how to keep your hard working horse's joints happy and healthy!
Discussion # 148: What would you do in this common scenario?
Discussion # 147: Who can tell us what the difference is between the horse and rider that is galloping forward to a jump, and another that is just *running* to the jump?
Quiz # 29: Front leg conformation quiz!
Discussion # 146: Not all that appears to be "behind the vertical" actually is! (Current freebie!)
Video Discussion # 94: Want to know what the Dressage judges are looking for when judging the equivalent of a First Level Dressage test??
Video Discussion # 93: More than a "missed distance"!
Discussion # 145: Stiff vs athletic movement
Discussion # 144: Is this a refusal?
Video Discussion # 92: This is a very cool and educational video on the horse's hoof and the shoeing of our amazing equine athletes!
Discussion # 143: How would you ride this fence?
Video Discussion # 91: This video discusses getting your horse to truly think forward to improve your trot lengthenings.
Quiz # 28: Rule Quiz! True or false - Gloves are required in the Dressage phase at the Preliminary level
Video Discussion # 90: This video shows the various lateral movements in detail, and demonstrates the great exercise of transitions back and forth between shoulder in and renvers.
Discussion # 142: A rather random Dressage thought for the day on riding precise circles!
Discussion # 141: Check out this cross country complex!
Video Discussion # 89: Watch Ginny Leng show us what a good show jumping canter looks like!
Video Discussion # 88: This short video shows a great example of a rider riding truly *forward* in a trot to walk transition!
Discussion # 140: Let's discuss the very common problem of "one sidedness" in the horse!
Discussion # 139: How would you ride this fence?
Discussion # 138: THIS is why Eventers need to have a defensive position!
Discussion # 137: How do you know if your horse isn't pushing equally off of both hind legs when he jumps? Why is it a problem if he doesn't? And how can you fix this problem?
Quiz # 27: Multiple choice question!
Discussion # 136: Let's look at this entire sequence of photos, of a rider jumping through an Intermediate water complex...
Discussion # 135: What do you see in these 3 drawings of a horse's hoof?
Discussion # 134: What common mistake is this rider making? And what effect will this have on her horse?
Discussion # 133: Which rider has a better lower leg position coming off of a drop fence, and why?
Discussion # 132: What does this rider need to work on?
Discussion # 131: Correct extended trot vs what is more commonly seen today
Video Discussion # 87: Video showing an exercise that can be useful for improving your horse's rideability on course
Discussion # 130: I recently came across this visual challenge which caused some trouble!
Discussion # 129: Who can tell us what causes this situation?
Discussion # 128: In what circumstances would a rider want to lengthen their reins on cross country?
Discussion # 127: Which horse has better front leg conformation?
Discussion # 126: Where would you jump this cross country fence?
Discussion # 125: Let's discuss this great quote from Christopher Bartle!
Video Discussion # 86: The important points of free jumping your horse, and how to best introduce jumping to the young horse!
Discussion # 124: How do you feel about having corner jumps at the Novice level?
Discussion # 123: The correct position vs the chair seat!
Discussion # 122: How do you best handle this situation?
Video Discussion # 85: A must see Dressage video, showing examples of correct and incorrect movement in the trot!
Discussion # 121: What "sneaky" extra challenge does this cross country complex provide for the riders?
Discussion # 120: What type of comments do you regularly recieve from the judges on your Dressage Tests?
Discussion # 119: Let's evaluate the quality and correctness of these extended trots.
Video Discussion # 84: Let's watch this Dressage test ridden by Steffen Peters!
Discussion # 118: Let's discuss how to constructively open yourself up to attaining new information!
Quiz # 26: Rule quiz! We've all seen the Rolex riders wearing them… so we know they are legal for FEI events. But are ear fly bonnets legal for the Dressage phase of a USEA event?
Discussion # 117: There are some who say that balance and impulsion are somewhat contradictory terms… that the more impulsion your horse has, the more he will push himself on the forehand. But this is not really true...
Video Discussion # 83: Let's watch this video about schooling the leg yield!
Discussion # 116: How would you ride this type of cross country jump?
Discussion # 115: There are two schools of thought on this subject… what do you think?
Discussion # 114: Which horse has a better shoulder angle? And what about pastern angle?
Discussion # 113: It's often said, "Your horse is your mirror". Do you agree?
Discussion # 112: Look at the visual challenge presented by this green show jumping fence which aims the horse directly into the green seats of the grandstand.
Video Discussion # 82: What causes this horse to "drop" his hind end after landing in the water twice in a row?
Video Discussion # 81: Top British Eventer Harry Meade talks about creating the right canter for Show Jumping
Discussion # 111: "Symmetrical" is a good word to think about when riding...
Video Discussion # 80: This video shows a good exercise to work on to improve the quality of your canter when jumping!
Discussion # 110: Let's discuss this Chris Bartle quote!
Discussion # 109: Let's discuss the very common rider habit of posting with their hands!
Video Discussion # 79: In this short video, Andrew Nicholson offers a little insight into some of the secrets to his success over the years!
Discussion # 108: This is how many riders ride through their turns!
Discussion # 107: Let's discuss the apparent contradiction of these two major riding concepts!
Quiz # 25: Should you maintain inside flexion and bend on a canter lengthening or medium canter that goes in a straight line?
Discussion # 106: Where would you jump this cross country fence? And what speed do you want on the approach?
Discussion # 105: The horse's neck muscles tell the story!
Discussion # 104: What is wrong with this rider's lower leg position?
Discussion # 103: Lets talk about the "Dangerous Riding" rule!
Quiz # 24: There is a distinct difference between being "left behind" and being in a defensive position over a jump. Who can tell us what that is?
Discussion # 102: Which horse has a better shoulder? And what about front leg conformation?
Discussion # 101: How do you prevent your horse from becoming flat in his frame and stride, when you ask him to go forward to a jump?
Discussion # 100: How would approach this cross country jump that presents you with a difficult light situation?
Discussion # 99: Balance or grip over fences, which works better and why??
Discussion # 98: Let's talk about the "electric butt" syndrome!
Discussion # 97: Where are this rider's seat bones pointing?
Discussion # 96: Let's discuss a rider's mental focus in this sport!
Discussion # 95: How would you ride this cross country complex?
Discussion # 94: Have you ever seen the Dressage rider head bob…. where the rider's head and neck moves like a chicken as they sit the trot? What do you think causes this?
Quiz # 23: Who can tell us what constitutes "willful delay" as it pertains to the timing of your cross country course?
Discussion # 93: What do you think are the most important traits a rider can have, that contribute to success in working with horses?
Discussion # 92: The first and the last jumps on course can sometimes cause the most trouble! Both for show jumping and cross country. Why do you think that is?? And what can you do to set yourself up for success on those particular jumps?
Discussion # 91: What are the visual challenges presented by this fence? And how would you help your horse to focus correctly?
Discussion # 90: Think about the amount of pressure that was on William Fox Pitt last weekend going into the Show Jumping phase at Rolex… being in first place, but knowing that if he made a single mistake he would lose the win...
Discussion # 89: Let's talk about the similarities between a jumping horse and a pole vaulter!
Discussion # 88: Let's take a look at the balance of these two riders!
Discussion # 87: Who can tell us why this cross country rider has their hands so wide?
Quiz # 22: In a two stride Show Jumping combination, how many opportunities are there for a half halt?
Video Discussion # 78: I love this video on "Spook Proofing Your Horse"!
Discussion # 86: Let's discuss hindquarter and hind leg conformation!
Discussion # 85: What do you like about this picture? What don't you like about it?
Discussion # 84: Who can answer this rule quiz??
Discussion # 83: How would you ride this fence?
Video Discussion # 77: Watch and learn from this very cool video from Centaur Biomechanics!
Discussion # 82: Which of these 4 horses shows the most scope over fences?
Discussion # 81: When riding a complex with a drop to a skinny jump like this one, how do you get your horse to successfully focus on the skinny jump?
Discussion # 80: Who can tell us why it is so important to ride with our thumbs on top?
Discussion # 79: Let's discuss this horses conformation!
Discussion # 78: How would you ride this cross country complex?
Discussion # 77: Which of these bits do you think is more harsh?
Discussion # 76: Is this horse behind the bit? Or behind the vertical?
Quiz # 21: What are some things that will eliminate a rider in the Show Jumping phase of an Event?
Quiz # 20: What are some ways a rider can get eliminated on cross country at an Event?
Rule Quiz # 19: In what way is it illegal to use the whip on cross country?
Quiz # 18: Rule quiz! If you are competing novice level, and there is a flagged beginner novice cross country jump on your path, can you jump it if you want to?
Discussion # 75: Lets discuss the front leg conformation on these three horses!
Quiz # 17: What are some things that will get a rider eliminated in the Dressage phase?
Quiz # 16: Is this a refusal?
Discussion # 72: Let's discuss this quote!
Video Discussion # 76: Very educational video discussing the difference between back movers and leg movers in the trot.
Video Discussion # 75: This video made by British Eventing shows some good examples of correct and incorrect cross country riding
Discussion # 70: Which young rider has a more solid position dropping into the water?
Quiz # 15: How can you tell whether or not your horse is truly balanced?
Video Discussion # 74: Very informative video on the Extended Trot!
Video Discussion # 73: This video explains all about the extended walk and how to judge it!
Video Discussion # 72: This is a GREAT video for those of you who are confused about all the different lateral movements!
Discussion # 69: What makes this skinny jump harder than just an ordinary skinny jump?
Video Discussion # 71: What caused this rail down?
Discussion # 68: What to do when you "miss" the center line in the Dressage ring!
Discussion # 67: While I have taken lessons from many different Eventing trainers in my life, there were two that have had the greatest influence on my riding, and my career.
Discussion # 66: Who can tell us how counter bend improves the horse's ability to bend properly to the inside?
Video Discussion # 70: This is a great video!
Video Discussion # 69: Watch and compare these two CCI 2 star riders performing their Dressage Tests, and see their scores for each movement!
Video Discussion # 68: Interesting complex on this year's Rolex course!
Video Discussion # 67: It is always so educational to watch Dressage tests, and to be able to hear the comments and scores from the judge!
Video Discussion # 66: This video shows the difference between, collected walk, medium walk, extended walk, and free walk.
Discussion # 65: How do you ride an uphill triple bar?
Discussion # 64: Which picture shows a better piaffe?
Video Discussion # 65: Water jump bloopers!
Discussion # 63: What kind of jump will this canter produce?
Video Discussion # 64: Judge this movement - simple change of lead through the walk.
Quiz # 14: I've mentioned this more than a few times on the site, so lets see who is paying attention!
Video Discussion # 63: Great video explaining the anatomy and biomechanics of the riding horse in motion
Video Discussion # 62: Exciting video!
Discussion # 62: Shoulder in helps to improve the half pass, and vice versa. Who can tell us why?
Video Discussion # 61: Cool video of slow motion jumping!
Discussion # 61: Lets discuss rein length!
Video Discussion # 60: What caused this fall?
Discussion # 60: How would you ride this fence?
Video Discussion # 59: How would you judge this halt?
Video Discussion # 58: Want to see great riding on a horse that wants to rush jumps out of nerves?
Discussion # 59: How would you ride this Prelim bank complex?
Quiz # 13: Who can name 3 signs of true collection in a horse?
Discussion # 57: Does your horse's poll tend to be too high, or too low?
Video Discussion # 57: The great Reiner Klimke shows us the right and wrong way to ride deep!
Discussion # 58: Does your horse snatch at the reins as you allow him to go into free walk or a stretching trot? What do you think this means?
Discussion # 55: How would you ride this unusual cross country fence?
Video Discussion # 56: Troubleshoot training for skinny chevron jumps
Discussion # 54: Lets discuss clinicians focusing on the horse rather than rider flaws.
Video Discussion # 55: The horse that wants to LEAP into the water!
Video Discussion # 54: How to ride a bounce bank with downhill landing
Discussion # 53: Which way do you tend to find it easier to flex your horse at the poll?
Video Discussion # 53: A lunge line lesson exercise to improve your seat
Discussion # 52: How does the horse know which of these two responses you are looking for?
Discussion # 51: With most horses, canter work improves the trot. Why do you think this is so?
Video Discussion # 52: What does this Dressage rider need to work on?
Discussion # 50: When creating a connection, you should never shorten the reins before your horse is in front of your leg. Why?
Discussion # 49: What causes a horse to jump like this?
Video Discussion # 51: Wow! This near mishap was certainly "sat" very well by the rider! What do you think caused the horse to make this mistake to begin with?
Discussion # 48: How do you get your horse's attention on a fence?
Quiz # 14: How can you tell if your horse is honestly and properly connected on the outside rein?
Video Discussion # 50: Stretching exercise - stretching the horse's shoulders before a ride
Video Discussion # 49: How to ride a square halt.
Discussion # 47: Where would you jump this fence?
Video Discussion # 48: Let's discuss this video - London 2012 Olympic Show Jumping
Discussion # 46: Which of these young riders is better balanced over their jump?
Discussion # 45: Let's discuss the term "soft hands".
Video Discussion # 47: How to pull a shoe!
Discussion # 44: Your horse should learn to stay at the pace you put him in until you ask otherwise!
Quiz # 13: What causes a horse to drag its feet during the rein back?
Video Discussion # 46: William Fox Pitt and Cool Mountain WEG 2010 Dressage test
Discussion # 43: What causes horses to have front end knockdowns?
Video Discussion # 45: Using poles as a corridor.
Conformation Challenge # 6: What are the pros and cons of this horse's conformation?
Discussion # 42: What does this rider need to work on?
Discussion # 41: Which extended trot is more correct?
Video Discussion # 44: What caused this rider to slightly lose her balance on landing?
Discussion # 40: Which horse is showing a better, more uphill gallop for approaching a fence?
Video Discussion # 43: Video on improving your position over jumps with Greg Best!
Discussion # 39: What does this rider need to work on?
Video Discussion # 42: What caused this horrendous fall around 4:15?
Discussion # 38: How would you ride this fence?
Discussion # 37: Which of these two riders is in better balance?
Discussion # 36: What does this rider need to work on?
Video Discussion # 41: Let's watch this Show Jumping round with several rails down.
Conformation Challenge # 5: What are the pros and cons of this horse's conformation?
Video Discussion # 40: Let's watch this video with Tim Stockdale giving tips for riding a jumpoff round!
Video Discussion # 39: Uh oh... one stride in the two stride combination!
Quiz # 12: Rule quiz!
Discussion # 35: What is wrong with this rider's defensive position?
Discussion # 34: How would you ride this fence?
Discussion # 33: What is the difference between "ducking" and "jumping ahead"?
Video Discussion # 38: Let's watch this rider jump her horse through a small gymnastic line.
Discussion # 32: What does this rider need to work on?
Video Discussion # 37: This is an interesting exercise!
Quiz # 11: What should you do if you encounter this problem in the leg yield?
Discussion # 30: How would you ride this fence?
Quiz # 10: On which lead should you approach a left handed corner jump?
Video Discussion # 36: Walking ditches and trakehners!
Discussion # 29: Which horse shows a better quality canter/gallop for approaching a fence?
Video Discussion # 35: What caused this horse to knock the rail down at :25?
Discussion # 28: How would you ride this fence?
Video Discussion # 34: Good video discussing the half halt.
Discussion # 27: What do you think of this working canter?
Discussion # 26: This rider is showing us an exaggerated release over this jump.
Video Discussion # 33: Let's watch this rider doing a gymnastic line with canter poles.
Discussion # 25: What causes horses to knock down rails behind when jumping?
Discussion # 24: How should you ride this Prelim water complex?
Video Discussion # 32: Let's watch this rider use an exercise that can help with horses that rush jumps.
Video Discussion # 31: Let's watch this rider's dressage lesson.
Quiz # 9: Rule Quiz!
Discussion # 23: Which picture shows a better trot stretch?
Video Discussion # 30: This is a *great* exercise to work on the quality of flying changes!
Video Discussion # 29: Fun exercise with a line of cavaletti!
Video Discussion # 28: Let's watch this novice rider taking various jumping lessons.
Quiz # 8: Who can tell us the difference between lengthened gaits and medium gaits?
Discussion # 22: Which is a better extended trot?
Discussion # 21: Which rider has a more secure and balanced position dropping into water?
Video Discussion # 27: This is a good lesson to watch!
Quiz # 7: Quick quiz! Which lead is this horse about to land on?
Discussion # 20: Let's discuss the phrase "Bend your horse to make him straight".
Video Discussion # 26: What caused this refusal?
Discussion # 19: Let's discuss the infamous fence 9 at this years Rolex 3 Day Event!
Quiz # 6: Rule quiz!
Discussion # 18: What does this rider need to work on?
Video Discussion # 25: Training level test 3 Dressage test with scores and commentary from the great Bill Woods!
Discussion # 17: Let's compare these two jumping horses and their riders.
Video Discussion # 24: Fun video to watch with great horses and riders doing extensive gridwork with some big jumps!
Video discussion # 23: Tips from Sally O'Connor on improving the canter!
Discussion # 16: Which of these working trots is better than the other and why?
Video Discussion # 22: Jumper round with rail down.
Video Discussion # 21: Jumping with placing poles
Quiz # 5: Rule quiz!
Quiz # 4: Rule quiz!
Video Discussion # 20: Let's discuss this jumper round!
Video discussion # 19: Another dressage test with scores and comments!
Quiz # 3: Rule quiz!
Video Discussion # 18: Let's watch this video of Steffen Peters warming up at the World Dressage Masters!
Video Discussion # 17: Here is another video of the great Andrew Hoy!
Quiz # 2: Here is a quick and simple quiz for you!
Video Discussion # 16: Let's watch the great Nick Skelton jump 7 feet 7.3 inches!
Video Discussion # 15: Is this horse a leg mover or a back mover?
Discussion # 15: Which of these two jumping photos show a better balanced horse?
Discussion # 14: Rule quiz!
Conformation Discussion # 4
Video Discussion # 14: Let's watch this dressage rider get a lesson in how to utilize transitions to get the horse to be more active in its hind legs.
Video discussion # 13: This video is one of the best examples of correct, classical dressage schooling that I have found!
Video Discussion # 12: Short video clip of part of a lesson with the great Bill Woods!
Video Discussion # 11: Is this horse a leg mover or a back mover?
Conformation Discussion # 3
Video Discussion # 10: Lets watch this video of a rider doing a Prix St. George dressage test, with commentary from the great Bill Woods!
Discussion # 13: Here is another quote from Jimmy Wofford on improving your riding:
Discussion # 12: Lets further discuss the difference between speed and impulsion:
Discussion # 11: Lets talk about how to evaluate a horse's balance from looking at jumping photos.
Video Discussion # 9: Awesome video of a clinic with Eventing legend Lucinda Green!
Discussion # 10: What causes a horse to jump like this?
Discussion #9: What's your learning style?
Discussion #8: Here is somewhat of a trick question for all of our clever members!
Discussion # 7: Let's discuss this quote from Dressage rider Chris Hickey: "The marriage of the driving aids and the restraining aids makes it possible to bring the horse into a high level of collection."
Video Discussion # 8: Who can tell us what caused this refusal?
Video Discussion # 7: How would YOU judge this trot stretching circle?
Discussion # 6: Which of these working trots is better than the other and why?
Discussion # 5: Great quote from dressage rider Katherine Bateson-Chandler -
Discussion # 4: One of my favorite quotes from my trainer, Jimmy Wofford, is "The worst of them sense our fears and take advantage of us, the best of them sense our dreams and take us there."
Discussion # 3: What do the words "athletic" and "scopey" mean to you?
Video Discussion # 6: What a fun video to watch! Unusual form of a Puissance competition at an Eventing competition in England
Video Discussion # 5: What caused this runout and the resultant fall?
Conformation Discussion # 1
Discussion # 2: Letting the Horse do the Job!
Video Discussion # 4: The great Andrew Hoy!
Video discussion # 3: Drop Fences
Discussion # 1: Things that effect horses' stride length while jumping
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Question # 354: Linda has a question about one of my quotes on "giving the reins."
Question # 353: Amanda has a question about how to teach her young horse to lift and use his back correctly.
Question # 352: What are some good rider exercises to fix keeping your body too close to the horse in the air over fences? (Anne)
Question # 351: Anne has a question about her horse that tends to drop into the trot right before fences.
Question # 350: I have been struggling getting my horse to move forward, especially at the canter.
Question # 349: I'm pretty new to eventing, and so is my horse. are there any beginner exercises you could give us? What should we work on the most when just getting into the sport? (Josie)
Question # 348: Pat has a problem with her horse "ballooning" in the air over his fences.
Question # 344: Question about pulling down on the bars of the horse's mouth...
Question # 343: Kayla has a question about her horse hollowing and tossing his head in his canter transitions.
Question # 342: Kayla has a question about how to set distances for jumping training, with a horse that has a shorter than average stride.
Question # 341: Amy has a question about a new horse she is riding, who is not a big fan of flatwork!
Question # 339: Kayla has another question about how to stay with her horse's motion over jumps.
Question # 338: Nancy has a question about one of her legs, which tends to be too far back.
Question # 336: Kelly has a question about an OTTB that she is trying.
Question # 334: Kayla has a question about how to go about training the horse to do the more difficult lateral movements that require the horse to move in the direction of the bend.
Question # 333: Kayla has a question about core/ab exercises for her horse.
Question # 332: Ellen is having some difficulties when trotting fences.
Question # 330: Kayla has a question about how to avoid the chair seat problem.
Question # 328: Kayla has a question about trotting fences.
Question # 327: Kayla has a question about how long a rider might get away with doing their Dressage in a Jumping saddle
Question # 326: Ellen has a question about her horse becoming barn sour and threatening to rear.
Question # 324: How do you transfer the better position from riding with no stirrups into riding with them again?
Question # 322: Kayla has some new jumps and has a question about what to set up for a green horse.
Question # 319: Question about your advice to do lots of transitions back and forth from trot to canter to loosen up a horse's back...
Question # 318: My horse and I are continuing on in training and he has really become much more balanced over all in the show jumping. Before he used to land and have such a large canter stride that it seemed like most of my focus was...
Question # 317: My mare ALWAYS lands on the right lead after a jump...
Question # 316: My horse is afraid of ditches in competition. When schooling I give him time to see ditch and walk around it he will jump right over. But in an event he will stop at a new ditch...
Question # 315: My half halts seem to work pretty well on the flat, but between jumps my horse tends to blow me off. He fights the bit and just keeps going at whatever speed he wants. What can I do to make him listen to me? (Aimee)
Question # 314 and Video # 99: This is Susanne!
Question # 313, and photo # 77: Rachel has a quick question about which ring to use on the surcingle for lunging in side reins.
Question # 312, and Photo # 76: Kellyn has a question about her horse's tendency to get in too close to the jumps and jump in poor form.
Question # 311: After reading your article on whether to look for a distance or focus on the quality of the canter, I have a few questions for you....
Question # 310: What's best way to teach your horse to maintain a steady rhythm? My horse has issues with this. (Chris)
Question # 308: Wondering if I could get some advice on choosing a bit to try for a horse of mine. He's an ottb who is not far into retraining and is a fantastic horse with a great brain but I'm a bit stumped on what to try for a bit....
Question # 307: I am getting ready to start my youngster under saddle. What bit do you recommend for starting a young horse? (Karen)
Question # 306: Do you recommend getting a pure showjumping coach or an eventing coach to help with showjumping issues? (Ashleigh)
Question # 305: My question is about arena footing depth. I have a small indoor arena (75x75) that recently got new sand footing. Seems to me though that it is too deep in the areas which I ride most. Currently it is 6-8 inches deep...
Question # 304: So I have recently acquired an off track standardbred pacer. We are in the works of trotting only, and not pacing, before we even attempt the canter. The plan is for him to event lower level...
Question # 303: My horse is SO lazy, I have such a hard time getting her to go forward. She exhausts me nearly every time I ride her. Although she is better once we really get jumping courses...
Question # 302, and Video # 96: I have a question about confidence. My horse is 8 but had about 6 months off when I was pregnant in 2015. Since coming back I feel like he has been spookier then he used to be. Before I could trust him to jump anything...
Question # 301: Do you have any advice, suggestions for us older riders that suffer from chronic back & hip issues? I feel I am well past my peak as a competitive rider and as I age I lose more and more "ability." Help. Please. (Nancy)
Question # 300: Do leads matter when riding XC? (Ellen)
Question # 299: My OTTB was recently diagnosed with some major back pain associated with saddle fit (I guess two different saddle fitters looking at it 4 different times wasn't enough!)....
Question # 298: Your tip of the day about the walk made me think about this question.... I have a nice warmblood mare that I have started and I am only doing exercises in the walk for the first year on her back to give her time to grow...
Question # 297: Suggestions for how to figure out when you're ready for a double bridle and also how to possibly figure out which curb? I currently ride in a French link snaffle bradoon. (Jennifer)
Question # 296: I have a question about "bitting up" versus moving up....
Question # 295: I am just getting into Eventing after about 10 years of riding in the H/J world. What advice do you have for me? Things I need to focus on, etc? (Jesse)
Question # 294 and Video # 92: My question is about banks, specifically jumping down....
Question # 293: So I'm bringing along a young horse. I have been trying to go slow with him, keep jumps small while he grows. He's in his five year old year now. My question is, what is a good guideline for heights you should be jumping at certain ages?
Question # 292: Is a stop or turnout at a jump considered a disobedience or a spook? And do you believe some "spooks" are really just excuses to misbehave not truly fear? (Nancy)
Question # 291: I want to get my mare to PSG in Dressage, and I'm dabbling again in jumping at novice level. I've been riding her Dressage for the last 5 years, with hardly any jumping. I ride mostly off of seat and thigh aids, with very little lower leg,
Question # 290: I recently started riding a very nice, well trained thoroughbred. She is pretty big, probably 17+ and a little long backed. My normal ride is a 15 hand compact very (overly) sensitive ottb, so she feels ginormous....
Question # 289: My ottb was trained before me with draw reins, and now he over flexes to where he touches chest almost at trot even when i let the reins loose. I drive him forward but he keeps doing it. How do i stop him? (Eileen)
Question # 288: How do you tell the difference between a horse in correct self carriage and one that is merely posing? A posed horse will pass the test for self carriage even though is not relaxed or through. (Sharon)
Question # 287: I am struggling with being able to keep my heels down while also asking for something with my legs. I don't have an issue with just general support but if I need to add a little extra...
Question # 286: This might be a weird question, but I have been riding for 30 years, and eventing for 20. And I used to love it and live it. Now I am getting to the point that it feels more like work than fun....
Question # 285: My dominant mare can be severely herd bound. Our pasture which is excellent for gallops uphill/downhill/flat is the only place to ride other than the tiny arena or paved road. I try to longe her away from friends, but she can...
Question # 284: While conditioning work is best done in the open with varying terrain, not everyone has access to the amount of open space, or open space with the right terrain or footing to do their conditioning rides...
Question # 283: My half halts seem to work pretty well on the flat, but between jumps my horse tends to blow me off. He fights the bit and just keeps going at whatever speed he wants. What can I do to make him listen to me? (Heather)
Question # 282: My new horse is a great jumper and LOVES cross country. However, he does not like to go in strange water jumps...
Question # 281: My mare has always had an issue with bucking/pulling upon landing in the next stride after landing from a fence when doing cross country...
Question # 280: When using side reins or surcingle for lunging, do you allow the side reins to be of equal length or do you make the inside rein slightly shorter? (Melanie)
Question # 279: I am working on up and downward transitions to the canter with my 17 year old OTTB. He is going great the the right, really lifting in the upward and going down to the trot easily. When I switch to the left...
Question # 278: I am a dressage rider who is currently working on 2nd level. I have some days where I am really capable of connecting my seat to sit the trot very fluidly and straight...
Question # 277: I would like advice on how to get comfortable switching from longer Dressage seat stirrups to Stadium and XC short stirrups as a middle aged working amateur rider?
Question # 276: One of the mares I ride has gotten incredibly fussy about her stomach. She nips and kicks when I brush her belly and get equally frustrated by the girth....
Question # 275: My little quarter horse mare likes to tilt her nose to the left at the trot and canter when working indoors...
Question # 274: One of the horses I ride is built downhill and can get EXTREMELY heavy sometimes, especially when he is getting tired near the end of a work out. How do I combat this? (Brooke)
Question # 273: I'm wondering if you have any favorite exercises for strengthening a horse's back and building topline?
Question # 272: We have a HUGE problem with distances when jumping, my horse never seems to know where to put his feet. Do you have any advice? (Lija)
Question # 271: One of the horses I ride has been dragging his hind toes recently. The right is very worn down and the left is a tad better. I can definitely feel a weakness in his hind end, as he falls out very easily...
Question # 270: I'm working with a 6 year old Trakehner who supposedly had been over fences before, but he acts like complete first-timer any time I try to take him over a cross rail. He even looks at poles and tries to avoid them...
Question # 269: I am planning to get a new jumping saddle soon, and am not sure what kind to get. Do you like saddles with big knee rolls, or saddles that are more like close contact saddles for eventing? (Anonymous)
Question # 268: So, I took my 4 year old, Todd, to his first combined training last weekend. It was his second time jumping a full course and very first dressage test, and he was fantastic for how green he is. I'm a proud momma! I have a question about.
Question # 267: My horse used to be a very bold and confident jumper. We competed to Training level very successfully. Then I took a year off because I had a baby. And now that I am back to riding, I feel like I have a different horse....
Question # 266: My horse hollows his back and throws his neck up in canter to trot downward transitions? What can I do to fix this? (Anonymous)
Question # 265: I am a very timid person in general but my confidence was crushed last year due to a fall in the show jumping phase. I am now scared of oxers and I haven't jumped one since that show...
Question # 264: I am about to introduce my young horse to jumping, and I have a question. Should I let him go up to new jumps and look at them before asking him to jump them, or is this not a good idea? (Amy)
Question # 263: I am riding an OTTB with a limited amount of back muscle. What are some exercises I can do with him to help build it? (Suzanne)
Question # 262: I recently bought a 9 year old Thoroughbred, who I was told had more training than he actually does. When I rode him the first time he acted like he knew nothing, and completely disregarded any aid I gave him....
Question # 261: I have had my 8yr old gelding about 3 months, previously he had done lots of hunting in his native Ireland but no competing. We have completed four BE 90 classes...
Question # 260: My horse is lazy and behind the leg regularly. I have worked hard on getting her more responsive by doing the things suggested on this website - following up immediately and consistently. However, my mare doesn't really care about...
Question # 259: At a recent show I received multiple comments of "needs half halts" on my Dressage test. I am only riding at beginner novice, and wasn't aware that I should be working on something advanced like half halts. Please explain. (Anonymous)
Question # 258: We are finally at the point where we are working on fun stuff like haunches in and half pass. But now that we are, a new problem has developed. My horse wants to go in haunches in position all of the time when I don't want him to!
Question # 257: I'm starting my colt jumping small jumps, and I was wondering what the best way to get him a good start would be. How do you typically start a horse jumping? His flat work is pretty good already....
Question # 256: I need help with my sitting trot! (Anonymous)
Question # 255: How do you know when it is appropriate to move up a level in dressage? Is scoring in mid 60's good enough or should I wait? (Nancy)
Question # 254: At what level would a turn on the forehand show up on a dressage test? (Julie)
Question # 253: When I allow my gelding to stretch down he will snatch the reins, often yanking my arms and hands very hard.... And when I collect the reins he anticipates any work by jigging and speeding up our walk...
Question # 252: I have a question about my jumping position. I am prone, when in motion, to tip my pelvis back - which then causes my lower leg to slip forward in front of the girth...
Question # 251: I’ve read your posts and seen some of your videos of you and Felix in the early days, his tantrums, etc. And I think you recently said they continued for seven years. My question is what made you not give up on him?
Question # 250: My horse jumps the spooky looking fences really well, but gets careless when the jumps are plain looking. What can I do to make him jump more cleanly over the easy jumps? (Beth)
Question # 249: I have a 5 year old OTTB in training for a client. He's got a great mind but is only vaguely aware he has 4 legs, and he would live on the forehand if I'd stop pestering him about it...
Question # 248: My horse leans and pulls on my hands all of the time. So I recently switched him from a regular snaffle to a slow twist. And that worked, he is now lighter in my hands. But he has developed a new strange bad habit...
Question # 247: I'm down in Florida competing my 5yr old Dutch this winter. His first event ever was Open BN and he was an angel and we came in 6th. We just did Novice Horse this last weekend and he was a rockstar taking 4th on our dressage score...
Question # 246: I was wondering what your favorite exercises are to work on rhythm at the canter? My trainer says my horse is the horse of a million canters, and this especially comes through over fences...
Question # 245: A recent comment from a Dressage judge on my First level test was "wide behind". I have no idea what this means… unless they were saying that I have a wide behind (which is possible, but not relevant to Dressage I wouldn't think)
Question # 244: What is your preferred method for teaching or reteaching horses to trailer load? (Jen)
Question # 243: I can get my lazy boy to the point that he is in front of my leg, but he won't stay there!
Question # 242: What generally causes a horse to slip under himself with his hind end? Weak hocks/stifles, unbalanced horse/rider? My horse slipped out behind three times at the 2DE on the weekend. (Shelley)
Question # 241: My big 17.1hh draft cross and I struggle very much with timing our take off for a jump. It doesn't matter if it is a single jump, a line etc. We tend to do a little better with the larger jumps and if it is a cross country jump...
Question # 240: What's your thought on whether or not to give a horse a yearly break and pulling shoes? (Amy)
Question # 239, and Video # 72: Gabbie has a question about her green horse's jumping, with video!
Question # 238 and video # 71: I have been working on leg yielding in the canter, and have encountered a problem!
Question # 237: I am just starting to teach a few lessons, after having ridden my whole life. What is the best way to help beginner riders learn to jump properly? (Anna)
Question # 236: I have 2 horses I just signed up to be exercising, both with an issue all of their own. Both I do believe are ottb rescues as well. The first one likes to hop into a canter when we are quietly trotting along, he does this often...
Question # 235: I'm always raising my outside hand (especially while cantering and on 20m circles) and I have no idea why. I also struggle to find my seat bones and to feel totally connected to the saddle...
Question # 234: I recently acquired a 6 year old OTTB that was severely neglected and abused. :( Although he is remarkably improved both physically and mentally, he still has aggressive tendencies towards me...
Question # 233: My horse is afraid of the whip, so I usually don't carry one. But yet he is not as responsive to my leg as I would like. Should I just use a bigger spur? (Chris)
Question # 232: My OTTB has trouble with anxiety, grabs the bit and makes upward transitions on his own. When is it appropriate to change bits? (Anonymous)
Question # 231: What I am struggling with is refusals, mostly confidence issues, spooking at fillers etc. I have found speed can sometimes be our friend, it looks out of control but the only times we have gone clear are when he's speeding!!!
Question # 230: I recently got a new horse due to my other being not well suited for me (rush fences, run like crazy, and not calm down.) I was learning eventing and he thought he knew it all.. and would pick up on my nervousness and get all sorts of wou
Question # 229, and Video # 70: Problems with halting!
Question # 228: My mare is 14, and she has NEVER been good with ground poles. She loves to jump, and is happy to jump small cross rails up to about 3'3" (for now!), but under saddle she consistently trips over poles on the ground...
Question # 227: My horse is an “energy conservationist.” Out on cross-country or in the stadium ring, he is inspired to be reasonably forward and balanced. In the dressage ring? Not so much. The current struggle is canter quality...
Question # 226: I have a rescue TB (starved, not raced that we know of) who I fostered and trained (and then adopted) and have had for over a year. I've been working on my half seat and trying to get her braver, going on hacks and practicing cross-country
Question # 225: Sometimes my horse's otherwise nice canter feels like it becomes four beat-y and almost lateral. What causes this, and what can I do about it? (Tina)
Question # 224: I have an OTTB who is getting more used to going places away from the stable. He is actually quite calm when we go to shows or clinics alone. But when we trailer with someone (even a new horse)...
Question # 223: What are some exercises to strengthen stifles aside from hill work? (Vita)
Question # 222: Last year I restarted a TB filly who had come off the track in December and was let down until we brought her home in May. She was always one to get tense and stiff the moment she didn't understand something...
Question # 221: Often if I ask for more forward, I get no response, OR, I get no response until I go to the whip and then I get 'head up, back drop, scoot'. What do you recommend I do? (Anonymous)
Question # 220: My new horse (who I have had for just a month) has started to grind his teeth when I ride him. Not all the time, but usually near the end of the ride, and mostly during dressage rides...
Question # 219: I'm loving the site so far! Sooo long story short, I'm a smallish person 5'2" 120lbs. My teenage years and young twenties I always rode really big horses that...
Question # 218: The thing I'm struggling with at the moment is getting my horse to break into a canter without acting up or refusing to canter. How can I make her want to do it? This is only when we are doing any flat work….
Question # 217: Lately, going over stadium and xc jumps my bum leans off to the right side so I am not straight over the saddle. This also causes my horse to jump things a bit sideways occasionally. In a clinic the clinician had me...
Question # 216: I am looking at horses to buy, and am not entirely sure I am ready for a young green horse. Would you consider a 12 year old horse "old"? (Anonymous)
Question # 215: I have a question about riding circles in a dressage test. Do you have any tips for riding a good shape? My last test I got marked down for the shape of my circle...
Question # 214: What are the best things to do for a horse that is heavy on its forehand? Especially OTTBs that have been pulled on a lot? Thanks! (Jen)
Question # 212: How do you get a horse into water he has not seen before? Cisco backed up 3x before he walked into the water at Inavale. We were eliminated. I was kicking him, giving him a loose rein and telling him it was ok. (Catherine)
Question # 211: At a recent ODE I was pulled up for my horse having his head in the air going into fences. He is an ex-racer and was excited - jumps very well at home - any advice? (Jess)
Question # 210: I recently bought a nice 14 year old Oldenburg mare that has been used as a lesson horse for several years. She is sweet, quiet, responsive to my leg; but the most stiff and resistant in the bridle that I have ever come across...
Question # 209: I have a student who is leasing an 8 yr old TB for the summer. She has been having trouble getting him to focus on the fences during a course. He tends to almost zone out if there is too much time between the next fence...
Question # 207: My lazy-type horse goes great at home, on trails and at clinics in a three-piece loose-ring snaffle. But, at our occasional foxhunts or when jumping even tiny things outside (away from home) he gets excited, runs through it ...
Question # 206: I know that walking up and down hills increases hind end strength, and I have seen a big benefit from walking hills. What are the benefits from trotting up or down hills, and how much of each gait should I mix in when doing hills? (Sharon)
Question # 205: My horse is always "right on" on cross country. In stadium, however, we are both notably greener. Sometimes she's in XC mode, taking off all over the place in the warm up, which often leads to…
Question # 204: What is the difference (or is there) between a jumping canter and a dressage canter, other than possibly speed? Aren't they both supposed to be forward, balanced and with hind legs underneath and lightness up front? (Sharon)
Question # 203: I am having issues with my canter to trot transitions...
Question # 202: What is the difference (if any) in the amount of contact you should maintain in the free walk and free trot? I know the free trot the horse should still be on the bit, just be allowed to stretch down. Is the free walk the same? (Kymbre)
Question # 201: How do you get a horse to stretch long and low and go foreward with its nose? I have a horse that ends up running when I give the reins, but evades the bit by going behind the vertical if I pick up the contact! (Sandi)
Question # 200: Is a Nathe bit legal for dressage in eventing? Also, would a plain mullen mouth eggbutt by the most similar to the nathe for the horse? Thinking I might want something a bit more … sturdy for show jumping and cross country...
Question # 199: I have a young horse (5 year old ISH) with a trainer. He's really wonderful, but very ADD, herd-bound, pretty spooky, and somewhat insecure. In essence, he's just like me...
Question # 198: There are a number of Dressage tests that call for cantering down the long side of the arena, a downward transition from the canter to the trot at the corner letter (either F or K) and the immediate 10 m turn and up the centerline...
Question # 197: My horse and I moved up to Training level last summer, and did very well, even winning at our last event of the year. But this year...
Question # 196: when I am sitting my canter I tend to be using my back too much and not following enough with my hands/arms. It is like I am pumping my back instead of following with the arms/hands.
Question # 195: I have a client's horse that I'm working with, and she has an issue I've never had to deal with before. She thinks she is an accordion--she will shorten her neck and hollow her back whenever she has any contact in her mouth.
Question # 194: My horse has become very heavy on the forehand. I have worked with 2 trainers, 1 dressage, 1 H/J and each has tried to show me different ways to stop her from pulling. One tells me to pull when she pulls back, the other says to hold...
Question # 193: My 15 yr old TB OTTB gelding gets strong at the canter and pulls down, especially on cross country.
Question # 192: I am stuck in my training right now. I know the concept of all that is being asked of me, but I have the movement of a brick. I am unconciously stiff in my movements...
Question # 190: Last year, my mare was a VERY solid Novice horse and I moved her up to Training level at the end of the season. She would take about 2-3 jumps to build her confidence and then there was literally nothing I could point her at she...
Question # 189: I have been riding this little 13.1h pony for this little girl at my barn for a few months now. She used to barrel race and does not know what slow is. She has gotten so much better since I first started riding her, but...
Question # 188: I have a student who has a hard time seeing her leads while on the horse. I've tried to have her watch the front leading leg to see what lead it is, but she says she cannot see the legs at all.
Question # 187: I'm working with a horse that insists on coming above the bit in the transition into the canter. She has a solid canter, a balanced counter canter, and can do the 1* canter work pretty darn well...
Question # 186: In the sitting trot should I have a flat, straight back or more of a S shape with stomach forward of shoulders? I tried both to see if there was any difference in my horses way of going but he seems fairly ambivalent. (Katy)
Question # 185: I have a youngster (5 year old) who is a little ADD. He'll be fine until something snaps, and then he simply loses his brain. Sometimes it's due to over-stimulation, and other times he's just DONE...
Question # 184: How can I gauge whether or not my horse is becoming properly conditioned? Just don't want to assume they are because they do as I ask. (Joan)
Question # 183, and Video # 60: Member Laura sends in her question in a creative way! (Watch the video to see!)
Question # 182: I know that riding and training AREN'T linear. I get that. But I'm really flummoxed about how to deal with the last year...
Question # 181: This is a really weird question but...can I ever tighten my horse's girth too tight? (Emma)
Question # 180: My frustrating "ah-ha" moment ... I realised today, after spending the last few weeks trying to stop my horse from diving his nose to the ground and coming so far behind the vertical he sometimes seems to disappear, that I have been using
Question # 179: How much weight should you have in your stirrups? (Kim)
Question # 178: One of the problems that I am having with my new horse is that he frequently drifts in the direction of the barn or towards other horses when I am riding him.
Question # 177: It seems like about half the time I go on a hack with my mare she is either perfectly behaved, or jigging, breaking into the trot, or breaking into the canter the entire time.
Question # 176: What can I do to keep my TB from leaning on the bit when we are on a long canter? (Brooke)
Question # 175: I'm a new member to your site and am just loving watching all the videos and reading all the articles. I've learned a lot already! I do have a couple of questions for you.
Question # 174: One of my teenage riders (novice level eventer) had to take a couple of months off riding because of grades. She's back on track, riding again, but my sweet natured draft cross, won't go for her. He balks, bucks and just plain ignores her!
Question # 173: My horse is mostly good, but he is really lazy. And when he doesn't want to do things he either bucks or he pulls towards the middle of the arena and stops. What can I do to fix this? (Elle)
Question # 172: I have a 15yo show jumper who happily sticks his head to the outside and motorbikes corners. Thanks to your excellent articles I've made huge progress in flat work but the moment we start jumping he goes back to...
Question # 171: How do you get a horse more collected? (Sophia)
Question # 170: I have a question… if a rider already rides in a chair seat, waterskiing, is a very forward cut saddle going to exacerbate that? One of my students (who rides like this) is looking at this saddle: (Anonymous)
Question # 169: I really need help with my leg position! My issue is that my leg swings too far back in jumping, 2 point, and some transitions. I also lift my heel often.
Question # 168: My horse has really bad feet. They are always cracking and chipping, and he is always throwing a shoe. I have him on a Biotin supplement, but that doesn't seem to be doing much. What would you suggest? (Cari)
Question # 167: I am looking for a good protective vest for cross country mainly, but maybe some general riding with it. Our price range is below $300. Do you know of any good brands that would fit me? I am 5' 5" and weigh around 90-95 pounds. (Dani)
Question # 166: As an instructor living in the north, I teach in small indoor arenas with minimal jumps. What are some ways to keep it fun yet educational during the dreaded winter months?
Question # 165: I was hoping you could give me an outline of a training program to use for the lower levels of eventing, and also a bit of a guide as to how, and at what levels of competition, the training program should change, as we move up the levels.
Question # 164: In USDF First Level Test 3, there is a "one loop" at the canter... Basically a shallow serpentine....
Question # 163: Johnny gets to begin real work again soon following a tie-back procedure. My vet advised me to "take it slow." I've been riding him at the walk to keep up at least some of his back muscling.
Question # 162: My horse is always leaning and pulling on my hands! What can I do to stop this? (Karen)
Question # 161: I've read your article about different types of boots for the event horse. I currently have two pair of Woof neoprene boots, but am an the market for new boots (starting to wear out some).
Question # 160: In the last week my horse has started to 'lean' on the left rein going both directions, it feels like he is fighting me. He will bend both ways and I still feel the weight he puts on the rein. What can I do to fix this problem? (Beca)
Question # 159: I'm just getting started in Eventing. What is a good brand for a reasonably priced jumping or dressage saddle? (Danika)
Question # 158: What is your opinion on blanketing? I don't like to blanket my horses, and I hate it when people tell me I am being cruel. Is it absolutely necessary to blanket them when it is cold out? (Chris)
Question # 157: What do you think about flocking a saddle to account for rider or horse "unevenness"? (Current freebie!)
Question # 156: Can you tell us the difference between free walk and extended walk? And the difference between medium trot and extended trot? Thanks (Kelly)
Question # 155: My daughter has just moved up to Novice, and I realize that crisp halts are now important.
Question # 154: I have a student who has been working really hard to move up from cross rails to 2 ft. Though she understands the mechanics and reasons behind not jumping ahead, she struggles with waiting at the base…
Question # 153: I have a new 5 yo OTTB. Gorgeous, but a bit timid. I tried your "bravery test", and he failed big time! He wanted NO part of it, no matter what I did. I tried walking him over, tried riding him over, and he just got worked up.
Question # 152: I have a question regarding the seasonal planning for horse training.
Question # 151: I can't seem to find a bit that my OTTB doesn't want to spit out of his mouth...
Question # 150: I need help with my 17 yr old TB's dressage. We are showing at the Novice level, and got a score of 29.5 once this year. But most of the time he is too tense to get a good score.
Question # 149: When I get my jumping competition photos I notice that my horse very often has his right knee a bit lower than his left knee. What causes this? (Heather)
Question # 148: I'm finding it very hard to think further ahead than the next fence when jumping a course.
Question # 147: My lease mare really doesn't like to stand still, both on the ground and especially under saddle. She will halt, and then at most 3 seconds later starts to sidestep, raise her head in the air, scratch her knee, and generally not stay stil
Question # 146: Several of my students are struggling right now with keeping a consistent contact and soft elbows. Do you have any advice and/or exercises to help them (this is definitely something I can improve too!)? Thanks! (Kayla)
Question # 145: I have a very busy brain. Because of this I over think everything! Unless it is a very complicated question... I can complete complicated jumps with ease,
Question # 144: I have a question about riding my horse down hills.
Question # 143: A recent clinician told me to keep a firm feel of my horse's mouth on the takeoff of cross country jumps. My coach at home tells me to soften so as to not interfere with my horse. Which is right? (Amber)
Question # 142: I was asked to ride a log oxer that had a 2.5 ft drop down to a very slight down hill terrain change.
Question # 141: My mare has been having some sort of mental breakdown for the last few weeks, and I think we've narrowed the problem down to herd separation anxiety.
Question # 140: I have a question about lunging. Normally my horse is very good on the lunge line,
Question # 139: What is the best way to keep track of your time on cross country, so you come in under time? (Lynette)
Question # 138: My horse and I haven't been jumping too long, and have just started getting to the 2'3" to 2'6" heights.
Question # 136: I have a question about a problem that I am having with my mare on cross country.
Question # 135: I have been having an issue with my lesson jumper horse. He's about 12 years old, been doing this job for a while now.
Question # 137: How much contact on the outside rein is appropriate? How do I know when I have the right amount? (Sarah)
Question # 134: I have several students that are fairly soft and fluid on the flat, but as soon as you put a pole in front of them they tense up and therefore lose their ability to balance. Any specific exercises to help with this problem? (Anonymous)
Question # 133: During my lessons this often happens: I have a nice rhythmical canter to a line, and the second to last stride PJ lengthens and then we get a chip.
Question # 132: I have never had anyone explain how to properly ride a rear. All I was ever told was to not pull back. Ok, and what do I do with my hands & the rest of my body position? (Joan)
Question # 131: I have a tb, when I work her long and low all she does is speed up really fast and do an extended trot (still long and low) and if try slow her down she wont go low and sticks her head out.
Question # 130: I have a 5 yo OTTB gelding (10 months off the track) that I would really like to hack out more. However, the few times I have tried, he's been a little anxious in the open field.
Question # 129: I am just getting back into eventing after almost 2 years off due to my mare's injuries and illnesses. I went out cross country schooling on the weekend, and even though we were only popping over tiny stuff,
Question # 128: Could you explain the proper aids required (and timing) for lengthening at the trot and canter?
Question # 127: When teaching, and you are working with a student who has been taught theories that are different from what you teach, how do you handle that?
Question # 126: How much leg is too much leg? I have been riding for about 5 years and I have always ridden with almost no leg on our QHs/Appys unless I'm doing something laterally. In other words, I just pretty much let it lay there.
Question # 125: I have a question about bravery in the field and jumping without schooling first.
Question # 124: I had hip surgery about 5 weeks ago, and it will be another 2 months before I'm back in the saddle. In the meantime, Johnny is spending lots of time on the lunge to build topline muscles without rider interference and work on that weak...
Question # 123: Help with tension at shows! Lately Henry has been so "on the job" (focused, purposeful, not nervous), that I had high hopes for our upcoming 3 Day. But ever since I clipped him on Sunday, he's been on *high alert*.
Question # 122: My horse is taking off with me in the canter! When I ride out with other horses, my horse is starting to get very strong. If we are in front, I can handle her.
Question # 121: My horse drops her inside shoulder and turns her head to the outside. What exercises can I do to fix this? (Holly)
Question # 120: I'm having a problem with my mare on the flat. She started out Western, so she was taught originally to give to the bit, not go on the bit. Which means she's usually behind the vertical when we're doing flat.
Question # 119: I have recently started working my horse again, after a 2 month recovery from a hind end injury and then an abscess. How soon should we begin jumping again? And how soon should we move up to her previous schooling height (3'6"-3'9")?
Question # 118: Hello! I am a new member and super excited to learn from this site as I don't have a regular trainer to work with!
Question # 117: My horse wants to gallop cross country with his head way down low. I sometimes struggle to get it UP in front of the jumps, but we manage. Should I let him keep doing this? Or is there something I can do about it? (Jesse)
Question # 116: I'm not a gadget person - I don't own draw reins, a chambon, or even a running martingale. However, after lots and lots of time (nearly a year) trying to convince my OTTB that stretching forward and down into contact is far better than
Question # 115: I am training my young horse myself. He is a 17.2 hand Oldenburg gelding, just turning 5. Last summer I did some basic flatwork and hacking with him, and he did great!
Question # 114: Any tips on helping a horse with walk to canter transitions?
Question # 113: My horse loves to stretch down! In fact that is all he wants to do most of the time! I know stretching is good for horses, but how much should I let him stay down there?? (Terri)
Question # 112: Can we talk about saddle fit for the rider? I am saddle shopping and have been for a year. (Current Freebie!)
Question # 111: At the end of January I got bucked off my horse for the first time pretty much. I should have lunged him prior to riding, but I didn’t.
Question # 110: I had two bad falls a week ago. Fell (actually went FLYing off might be more accurate) in warm up, and then again at fence 3 in stadium.
Question # 109: In looking at some recent Advanced level photos, I see many of the riders have their feet jammed home in the stirrups.
Question # 108: I can get my horse nicely connected and on the aids, but I can't seem to KEEP him there. He is always inconsistent. What should I do? (Chris)
Question # 107: The lovely friesian I ride, Rhett, and I are having some troubles getting the leg yield together.
Question # 106: My horse carries himself nicely in the working canter. He feels like he is nicely balanced and in self carriage. But after every canter lengthening, he becomes rigid and is resistant against my hand...
Question # 105: I have a horse that will go into water just fine, but will NOT jump off a bank into water! I've tried giving her a lead, but that didn't work. What else can I do? (Ashleigh)
Question # 104: My horse is always heavy on his right shoulder, and on the right rein. What can I do to straighten him and get him to stop leaning on my right rein?? (Rebecca)
Question # 103: My horse is an off the track mare. We bought her out of the auctions, but I was told she had 6 months of flatwork done. The problem is, she is very dull to my leg aids. It takes a lot of leg to get her to go, and then to keep her going.
Question # 102: At what height should I carry my hands when jumping? (Anonymous)
Question # 101: My horse has a problem with combinations of fences with 1 or 2 strides between them. He grabs hold of the bit and just goes as hard as he can, flat and strung out...
Question # 100: My horse has a tendency to lose the canter, and fall into a fast trot - sometimes without warning. What can I do to prevent this from happening? (April)
Question # 99: I like my coach, very much. She's a great lady. I have some lessons that are wonderful, especially on the flat. But I find jumping with her is good, but not great.
Question # 98: HOW do I do what you said about using core/back rather than tiring out arms shoulders? Literally, do I let my arms extend, then use my back, or lean back more (water ski)? (Andi)
Question # 97: I have an 11yo OTTB who is a roarer and whom I am competing at novice level this year. We are doing great on XC and in SJ, but we are struggling in dressage.
Question # 96: When the dressage test says you may do your trot work sitting or rising, will you get extra points for sitting since it's harder? Assuming you can pull it off well of couse...(Jo)
Question # 95: My horse sometimes roots on me and either pulls the reins out of my hands or pulls me out of position. What can I do to stop this? (Julie)
Question # 94: what exercises would you recommend for a horse who gets heavy in the bridle in flatwork. Not resistant, just heavy… he used to be uncomfortable with contact… now he seems almost too comfortable with it. (Vita)
Question # 93: My young horse Danny is 1.5 years old. He leads, ties, loads, hauls, gets groomed, does the farrier and vet thing, and is all around a good horse.
Question # 92: I'm having a hard time getting a canter to walk on Fleck without trot steps or having to be too hard with my aids.
Question # 91: Should we be hacking our horses on loose reins or in a frame? (Stacy)
Question # 90: There is so much conflicting advice out there on flash nosebands. What is your opinion on them? Should we use them? And how tight should they be? (Mary)
Question # 89: Should we be keeping our outside leg back in all of our canter work, or is it only in the transition? (Jennifer)
Question # 88: So, I'm coming to realize something now that Henry and I have moved up to Training - he needs more support in jumping than I'm used to giving. I spent so much time working on "just leaving him alone" so that I didn't run him at things.
Question # 87: I work with two different trainers (one regularly, and the other every month or so since she is more expensive) and am getting conflicting advice on half halts and downward transitions.
Question # 86: My horse is so fussy in a bit, she is always moving the bit around and chomping on it. Her head is never still! And the judges really mark us down for this.
Question # 85: I desperately need help with Training Test B. I loathe it... hate it... wish it would die a fiery death.
Question # 84: I've been working with a somewhat-green OTTB mare for about 2 months. Originally she was VERY on the forehand and heavy in the bit.
Question # 83: Can you recommend a warmup plan for when you know you have a tricky stadium round coming up requiring lots of adujustability?
Question # 82: So over the last few months I've come to appreciate that we need to practice full SJ courses.
Question # 81: How much contact should you have on cross country? I've gotten some conflicting advice in the past and would love to hear your opinion. Thanks! (Amy)
Question # 80: I'm not sure how I should react when my horse pops up, half rears, rears, or spins and takes off in the scary end of the arena? (Michelle)
Question # 79: My horse spooks at the dumbest things!
Question # 78: My mare is one of those anticipating, sensitive, a bit anxious types. Its usually pretty easy to manage but combinations and grids can be more than she can manage. She gets overwhelmed by them.
Question # 77: My horse has a tendency to "chip in" to his jumps. What can I do to encourage him to take a slightly longer spot if it's a good one, instead of doing these stop and pop type chips? (Vita)
Question # 76: My horse has trouble with focus in "coffin" type complexes, as he seems to focus on the jump further ahead of him rather than the ditch right in front of him. What can I do to help him learn to focus on the ditch first? (Cat)
Question # 75: I tried the walk 2 steps and trot exercise tonight with my pony. I figured it would get him to respond better ,and he did at first, but then didn't want to walk and he was anticipating trot.
Question # 74: With all of the flat work we do in the stadium ring, Cotton doesn't always know when we are going to jump a fence he sees and when we're just circling past it.
Question # 73: Since we don't have access to hills, could you describe a progressive program for developing hind end strength with cavaletti? (Lynda)
Question # 72: How is the canter lengthening on a circle (Training Test B) different than lengthening on a straight line (Training Test A)? (Briana)
Question # 71: For a horse with front feet issues like Cotton, how high can I jump him without pounding his feet to death if I want to jump 2 or 3 times a week? Can I jump lower fences 1 or 2 days and then raise them for the 3rd day? (Lisa)
Question # 70: How can I maintain the RPMs in my horse's canter when going through water? (Briana)
Question # 69: When turning onto or off of the centerline, it is better to try and ride that with two deep "corners" or to ride it as a half 10 m circle? (Briana)
Question # 68: Can you give me some specific instructions on exercises to encourage my horse to jump a little flatter and *across* his jumps, rather than giving such a big bascule?
Question # 67: So far "Jump a Course Month" has not gone well. It seems his balancing issues at the canter are the culprit..
Question # 66: My horse goes forward nicely on loose reins, but the minute I take a contact he is behind my leg. What can I do? (Kristen)
Question # 65: I read an article that said to ask for bend our inside hip should be forward, which encourages the horses inside hip to go forward, and causes the riders weight on his inside seatbone to increase. Is this correct? (Lisa)
Question # 64: I tend to have "chicken wing" elbows when I jump. How do I fix this problem? Tie my elbows together with a bungee cord?? (Briana)
Question # 63: Do you have a remedy for the horse who sometimes jumps a jump and then does about one canter stride and stops, props and bucks? (Vita)
Question # 62: I've been doing Training level, and doing well, and then last November we had a fall - my horse caught his leg in an oxer going for the long spot, and we tumbled.
Question # 61: Could you give me some advice on conditioning goals for each week for getting Henry in shape for the Novice Long Format Three Day Event?
Question # 60: How do I keep our training sessions from gettting too boring for my horse, without skipping the repetition that "I" need for improvement?! (Cheryl)
Question # 59: I have a question about the Novice 3D dressage test.
Question # 58: I've never used a running martingale before, but now that I have started eventing I see that almost everyone uses them. Do I need one? (Kris)
Question # 57: PJ does turn on the forehand very well (we can spin around fairly quickly, or go slowly one step at a time), is starting to learn turn on the haunches (for some reason I neglected this until very recently).
Question # 56: The horses and I are now basically out of shape, from our hiatus from riding. If you could maybe outline weekly goals for me, with the assumption that I will compete at recognized BN in June.. just what you think I need to do to get there..
Question # 55: I have finally gotten my horse thinking forward all the time- I hardly ever have to use my whip anymore which is an improvement. However, I think he may be too heavy on his forehand...
Question # 54: When a dressage test says "approaching [some letter] working canter" what is the most accurate way to ride this to get the most points?
Question #53: I was wondering if you could give me some tips on how to improve my rhythm and tempo perception?
Question # 52: My husband made me a chevron for Christmas!
Question # 51: I am wondering what the appropriate body position is for trotting uphill.
Question # 50: What specific skills do I need to be able to do a Novice level event? And what would be a good training schedule to prepare for my first novice level event? (Kirsten)
Question # 49: So I've been feeling very discouraged lately and have lost a lot of my motivation for riding.
Question # 48: My horse Pie is a 5 yo OTTB. We are having trouble picking up the left lead.
Question # 47: I have a tendency to ride defensively, and get left behind over jumps. As a result, I land disorganized--with long reins, loss of contact and impulsion. My horse is not a stopper, so he usually jumps anyway, but those fences can be ugly!
Question # 46: I am focusing on getting crisp departures and realize that I may be confusing Cotton with my "walk faster", "engage your hind legs at the walk" and "trot" aids - what exactly is the difference between each of those aids? (Lisa)
Question # 45: We rescued an Arab mix pony last year. She is nervous and a bit high strung/quick in all her gaits. She is one of the most unbalanced horses I've ever ridden, leaning heavily on her shoulders and not engaged behind.
Question # 44: How can I get my horse more in front of my leg without actually going faster? (Lisa)
Question # 43: I am looking for exercises on and off horse to do over the winter to try to build strength and stamina. (Vita)
Question # 42: I'm still a bit confused about "galloping" position. From watching jockeys and videos of pro riders, it looks to me like the goal is for your back and head to stay relatively still and your leg joints to absorb most of the motion.
Question # 41: It's easy to tell when Henry is round and balanced at the dressage canter. How do I learn to tell when he's balanced and forward at the gallop however? It's hard to know if he's just "going faster" than I'm used to, or is flat and "running"
Question # 40: Can you tell me when and why a rider would need a figure eight noseband? And what advantages you can gain by using one? (Andi)
Question # 39: I am wondering if you prefer riding to a jump (with no terrain issues) sitting or if you stay in a 2 point/3 point seat? (Wendy)
Question # 38: I have an older tb (about 9) that was a rescue we were trying to get weight on earlier this spring. Finally started working him for a couple months - just basic dressage walk and trot and tiny bit of canter both on lunge and undersaddle.
Question # 37: We're entering a pure dressage show in two weeks and doing USDF Training Test 2. Movement 9 says "FXM freewalk." I was interpreting this as two half diagonals - two straight lines with an angled turn at X.
Question # 36: Lately, my horse & I are having issues with turning. Whether its to make a serpentine or just a simple 20 meter circle, there are times when he is continuing to move towards the fence instead of turning to the inside. For example,
Question # 35: I cannot seem to keep my horse round...or even just soft... in my down transitions. He really goes against my hand. It's been a comment on some of my dressage tests. Any suggestions? (Vita)
Question # 34: Every time I go over a jump I end up being left behind and pulled forward. I love to canter over jumps but with the horse I ride now he canters calmly up to the jump then bolts after it. He also spooks a lot. Can you help? (Cece)
Question # 33: Show nerves! So...I've recognized for some time that show nerves (mine!) are the current single biggest obstacle to our success.
Question # 32: When is the best "moment in time" to use a half-halt to help rebalance a horse at the canter and trot?
Question # 31: Could you explain the use of the rider's weight in the seat affecting a horse's balance?
Question # 30: What is the classical way to ask for a lengthening? (Briana)
Question # 29: My dressage trainer mentioned the use of my lower legs to help collect my horse, but mentally, it is throwing me off because I instinctively think when my lower leg is on, that tells the horse to move forward (well, actually faster).
Question # 28: How do I ask for collection? (Briana)
Question # 27: My horse has started to get rub marks from his bell boots, and the farrier wants me to leave them on him 24/7. What should I do? (Lisa)
Question # 26: My horse is not drinking very much water, nor seems to be sweating when I am dripping! Should I be concerned? She has access to a salt block and tons of fresh water...I am a bit worried. (Cheryl)
Question # 25: The comment "needs truer or better connection" is written on every dressage test we get. Any specific advice on how to do that? (Briana) (Current Freebie!)
Question # 24: I bought a TB off the track when he was 3. I have taken him to beginner novice, but he has anxiety issues, and ulcers when we go to shows. Do you have any suggestions? He is pretty good at home.
Question # 23: If you do not have easy access to hills, would it be possible to use poles and/or cavaletti to build up your horse's back and hindquarters' muscles and strength?
Question # 22: Should the rider's lower leg always be near the girth when jumping? Or are there times when it is appropriate for their lower legs to be not right by the girth? (Briana)
Question # 21: Sat I'm taking Chester to meet a friend at a xc in DE to get a lesson - my FIRST xc lesson!! SO, since I know standing martingales are not allowed in eventing xc, I put on the (new) running attachment.
Question # 20: How can you tell if your horse is spooking because she is genuinely scared, vs. spooking as an evasion to the aids? And, what do you do about it? (Cheryl)
Question # 19 : I would like to get new excersices for training my students. I have had the same students for several years & always trying to think of new things to keep things fresh. Can you give us some new jumping exercises to use? (Anonymous)
Question #18: We have some more questions about studs: What are the guidelines for choosing where to put the holes? What do you use to fill the holes when you're not using studs so they don't get all packed with dirt?
Question # 17: My horse has "figured out" the system. He knows that warm-up isn't "real" - he's relaxed and almost lazy there. But as soon as we set foot in the stadium or XC course,
Question # 16: How much experience do you think a horse should have at a certain level prior to moving them up in competition? Noticing alot of folks are zipping on up from Beg. Novice and already up to Training in less than a year.
Question #15: At what level do I need to start using studs? (Andi)
Question #14: My biggest struggle is sitting up/shoulders back and my hands, which leads to my horse not being consistent. (Michelle)
Question # 13: I need help with my stadium rounds. My horse gets revved up at shows and as our stadium course goes on it gets worse and worse.
Question # 12: (Current freebie!) I'm 50 years old have not done any jumping in about 10 years. I had a back injury about 5 years ago, which is repaired and cleared.
Question # 11: I have a rising 4 yr old draft cross. I've been doing light dressage and for the most part have avoided jumping except the occasional trotting over a couple of 18" cross poles.
Question # 10: How about some winter training tips? How often should they be worked over the winter months, how cold is too cold to jump, do horses benefit from time off over the winter and how much? (Sarah)
Question #9: My instructor is always yelling at me to fix my hands! Either they are not in the right position, not the same height, or I find myself pulling on the inside rein and dropping the connection on the outside rein.
Question #8: (Current freebie!) I have had a few years off from regular training and competition, and only competed in a few novice events anyway, and I would like some help in goal setting and a training program for myself and my new horse.
Question #7: Cotton has started breaking out of the cross ties! He's gone through 3 or 4 halter crowns now.
Question #6: My training level eventing mare will jump ditches by themselves ok, but has a phobia about trakehners. She will not jump them at all! Help! (Anonymous)
Question #5: (Current freebie!) Could you give me a short checklist of things I need to do if I plan to start eventing this spring?
Question #4: My name is Cheryl and I just bought a 7 yr old chestnut Irish Sport Horse Mare. Her name is Winnie and we've had probably 6 rides all together. The first 3 were absolutely wonderful and the last 2, not so much!
Question #3: My horse tends to get heavy on the forehand and leans on my hands a lot. What can I do to stop him from leaning on me and dragging me around?! (Anonymous)
Question # 1: My horse tends to fall to the inside on circles and turns, especially to the right. What can I do to fix this? (Anonymous)
- Photos
Photo # 81: This is Bridget!
Photo # 80 and Question # 347: Ellen would like to know how she can get her horse to travel with his hind legs more underneath himself.
Photo # 79 and Question # 346: Kayla has a question about how to fix the bad habit she has with her hands.
Photo # 78 & Question # 345: Kayla shows us a sequence of photos and has a question about her horse's tendency to sometimes markedly drift to one side right before the jump.
Photo # 77: This is Samantha!
Photo # 75: This is Wendy!
Photo # 74: This is Elizabeth!
Photo # 73: This is Kjersti!
Photo # 72: This is Eileen!
Photo # 71: This is Kayla!
Photo # 70: This is Anna! (Current freebie!)
Photo # 69: This is Lija!
Photo # 68: Hailey would like a conformation critique for her horse, a 16.2 hand Appendix!
Photo # 67: This is Samantha, who is just beginning to jump again after 4 years off!
Photo # 66: This is Amy!
Photo # 65: Kellyn would like a conformation critique on this coming 2 year old Iberian Warmblood filly!
Photo # 64: This is Brianna!
Photo # 63: This is Adria!
Photo # 62: This is Rachel!
Photo # 61: Melanie would like a conformation critique for her horse!
Photo # 60: This is Suzanne on her trainer's Dutch Warmblood Quarter Pony cross!
Photo # 59: This is Kellyn and her horse Rowan!
Photo # 58: This is Amy again!
Photo # 57: This is Amy!
Photo # 56: This is Kymbre and her horse Al!
Photo # 55: This is Rachel! (Current Freebie!)
Photo # 54: This is Kayla schooling a drop fence!
Photo # 53: This is Ilinka!
Photo # 52: Rachel sends us 3 photos in a sequence, and would like her position critiqued
Photo # 51: This is Kelly!
Photo # 50: This is Kayla!
Photo # 49: Jen would like a conformation critique on her mare!
Photo # 48: This is Kayla!
Photo # 47: This is Laura!
Photo # 46: Laura would like a conformation critique on her 6 yo OTTB!
Photo # 45: This is Rachelle! And she has a question about whether or not this saddle is appropriate for her.
Photo # 44: Sam would like a critique of this 5 year old OTTB gelding! And would like an opinion on what job he would be best suited for based on his conformation.
Photo # 43: Valerie would like to know if this 2 year old TB stallion might be a good Event prospect!
Photo # 42: This is Kari!
Photo # 41: This is Storey!
Photo # 40: This is Hannah! (Current freebie!)
Photo # 39: This is Shannon!
Photo # 38: This is Caroline! (Current Freebie!)
Photo # 37: This is Nicole!
Photo # 36: This is Courtney! She sent this picture in to show the trouble that her horse sometimes has with verticals that have no ground line. She would like some advice on how to help her horse with this problem.
Photo # 35: This is Mandy!
Photo # 34: This is Storey!
Photo # 33: This is Catherine!
Photo # 32: This is Ramona!
Photo # 31: This is Holly again!
Photo # 30: This is Briana at the AEC's! (Current freebie!)
Photo # 29: This is Holly!
Photo # 28: This is Holly's next Eventing prospect! He is a 17 month old Appy/ISH cross.
Photo # 27: This is Anna again!
Photo # 26: This is Riese!
Photo # 25: This is Briana at the AEC's! (Current Freebie)
Photo # 24: This is Anna!
Photo # 23: This is Sherri!
Photo # 22: This is Cat and her OTTB Cody, jumping the first element of a coffin complex.
Photo # 21: This is Shantel and her Anglo Arab gelding!
Photo # 20: This is Vita and Toby!
Photo #19: This is Arielle!
Photo # 18: This is Vita and her horse PJ!
Photo # 17: This is Emily! (Current freebie!)
Photo # 16: This is Shelby!
Photo # 15: This is Amelia!
Photo # 14: This is Briana and her horse Henry at their recent long format three day event!
Photo # 13: This is Naomi's student Bailey! We are told that they are a great pair on the flat. But over fences, if the jump is not met perfectly Bailey gets popped up in the air a bit.
Photo # 12: This is Kimberly's other daughter Meaghan!
Photo # 11: This is Kimberly's daughter Kelley!
Photo # 10: This is Kimberly!
Photo #9: This is Cheryl's horse Winnie! Being ridden at a show by her trainer...
Photo #8: This is Abby!
Photo # 7: This is Cheryl's new horse Winnie! With her former owner riding her..
Photo # 6: This is Anna and her horse Tiny!
Photo # 5: This is Charity and her 3 1/2 year old KWPN!
Photo # 4: (Current freebie!) This is Brigit again! With a different horse...
Photo # 3: This is Sarah!
Photo # 2: This is Brigit and her horse Dru!
Photo #1:
- Videos
Video # 326: This is Sophie, riding a Dressage test in Pompadour, France!
Video # 325: This is Bridget doing a Dressage test!
Video # 324: This is Bridget and her 5 year old horse's first course at 75cm!
Video # 323, and Question # 355: Rose would like some help with her 6 yo Connemara mare, who tends to be tense and rushy.
Video # 322: Here is Bridget, trying the exercise from the article: An Exercise to Help Teach Your Horse to Seek the Connection
Video # 321: This is Bridget again, this time with her young 4 year old horse doing grid work for the very first time.
Video # 320: This is Bridget, and her 20 year old horse who hasn't done this in quite a while!
Video # 319: This is Kayla, working on her flatwork!
Video # 318: This is Kayla, trying out a fun jumping exercise!
Video # 317: This is Jessica and her horse, Dancer, having a jumping lesson!
Video # 316: This is Kayla having a jump school!
Video # 315 and Question # 340: Kaley has a question (with video), about his horse's jumping form, and whether or not his horse might still have upper level potential, despite the form he shows now as a green horse.
Video # 314, and Question # 337: Lauren has a question (with video) about her new OTTB mare.
Video # 313, and Question # 335: Kayla is riding in a jumping lesson, and wants to know why she got jumped out of the tack on the first jump!
Video # 312 and Question # 331: This is Rachael!
Video # 311 and Question # 329: Kayla is practicing BN test A, and has a few questions.
Video # 310: This is Susanne and her lovely horse Corelli, schooling cross country!
Video # 309 and Question # 325: Kayla is finding it difficult to keep her horse on the aids in walk to halt transitions.
Video # 108 and Question # 323: Kayla has a question (with video) about her horses tendency to fall out through his right shoulder when going to the left.
Video # 107 and Question # 321: Kellyn has a question about her lovely OTTB, along with a video
Video # 106 and Question # 320: Kayla asks if her horse looks to be accepting the bit as she lunges him in side reins.
Video # 105: This is Kayla training her horse to jump!
Video # 104: This is Kayla riding Novice level test B
Video # 103: This is Kayla doing Novice level Show Jumping!
Video # 102: This is Kellyn, riding Novice level test B
Video # 101: This is Kellyn and her horse, Bauer, doing their Novice level show jumping round!
Video # 100: This is Susanne and her lovely horse enjoying some cross country schooling!
Video # 98: This is Kayla and her coming 6 year old TB mare riding Training level test 2
Question # 309, and Video # 97: This is Susanne!
Video # 95: This is Krista and her horse Sparky!
Video # 94: This is Jen again!
Video # 93: This is Jen!
Video # 91: This is Vita!
Video # 90: This is Vita and her newly off the track TB!
Video # 89: This is Eileen!
Video # 88: This is Kayla schooling cross country!
Video # 87: This is my lesson from today. This is my new 4 year old OTTB (never raced, just race trained).
Video # 86: This is Holly, doing a row of bounces in her small indoor arena!
Video # 85: This is Lija jumping a keyhole fence!
Video # 84: This is Lija schooling a water jump with a skinny!
Video # 83: This is Lija doing a show jumping round!
Video # 82: This is Vita doing a Dressage test!
Video # 81: This is Sarah again, this time on cross country!
Video # 80: This is Sarah, doing a Training level stadium round!
Video # 79: This is Kellyn with her new mare, a 15 year old OTTB
Video # 78: This is Ashley again… this time through the Training level water complex
Video # 77: This is Ashley schooling cross country, and jumping some her first ever Training level fences!
Video # 76: This is Taren, doing a show jumping round!
Video # 75: This is Jen again, schooling at home!
Video # 74: This is Jen on her young horse!
Video # 73: This is Jen doing a hunter round!
Video # 69: This is Kellyn and her horse Rowan performing Novice Test A!
Video # 68: This is Katy from New Zealand!
Video # 67 and Question # 213: This is a video of Rowan, my 14 year old OTTB gelding. I took him off the track several years ago and turned him into a show jumper and fox hunter...
Video # 66 and Question # 208: This is Kymbre!
Video # 65: This is Vita and Toby!
Video # 64: This is Kellyn!
Video # 63: This is Stephanie!
Video # 62, and Question # 191: I asked a Dressage Judge to score my horse's trot. She gave him a 6.5-7 at best. When I asked what we should try differently (this is a trainer/judge who knows both me and my horse) to get an 8, she said...
Video # 61: This is Catherine!
Video # 59: This is Rachel doing her Beginner Novice Dressage test!
Video # 58: This is Catherine again!
Video # 57: This is Kate schooling cross country!
Video # 56: This is Taren schooling cross country!
Video # 55: This is Catherine!
Video # 54: This is Kayla doing a Training level show jumping round!
Video # 53: This is Kayla performing the Training level Eventing Test B!
Video # 52: This is Rachelle!
Video # 51: Jen doing jumper round number 2!
Video # 50: This is Jen doing a jumper round!
Video # 49: This is Kelly!
Video # 48: This is Kayla on another very nice horse, this time riding Novice Test B!
Video # 47: This is Kayla on a 3 year old TB, doing Intro Test B!
Video # 46: This is Jen on cross country!
Video # 45: This is Becky!
Video # 44: This is Jen!
Video # 43: Kayla tries the low wide oxer exercise with her horse that tends to jump too high at times in the Show Jumping!
Video # 42: This is Kathleen!
Video # 41: This is Laura!
Video # 40: This is Kayla doing Novice Test B!
Video # 39: This is Kayla and her lovely mare again! This time working on a gymnastic line.
Video # 38: This is Vita and PJ doing their Beginner Novice Dressage Test!
Video # 37: This is Vita and her horse Toby doing Beginner Novice Test A!
Video # 36: Kayla has a question about how to help her horse get back to the same form she had pre injury.
Video # 35: This is Kate!
Video # 34: This is Kari doing the Training level test 1 Dressage Test!
Video # 33: This is Amy! How fun to see the progression of improvement in horse and rider over the course of a year!
Video # 32: This is Nanna on cross country!
Video # 31: This is Nanna and her 6 year old mare in the show jumping!
Video # 30: This is Nanna and her 6 year old mare doing their beginner novice dressage test!
Video # 29: This is Kate having a dressage lesson! And we are told that her chestnut mare does not care for dressage, and much prefers the jumping phases!
Video # 28: This is Courtney!
Video # 27: This is Andi and Chester on a Beginner Novice cross counry course!
Video # 26: This is Vita and PJ at a jumper show!
Video # 25: Laura's lovely new horse presents a problem.
Video # 24: This is Cheryl and Winnie going through a gymnastic line!
Video # 23: This is Andi and a green jumper that she is helping to train!
Video # 22: This is Pamela and her horse Tuxedo doing their Beginner Novice dressage test!
Video # 21: This is Briana and Henry doing their novice level dressage test! (Current freebie!)
Video # 20: This is Briana and Henry in their stadium round at a novice event!
Video # 19: This is Becky on Cross Country!
Video # 18: This is Becky doing a Training level Eventing Show Jumping round!
Video # 17: This is Becky doing her dressage test at a Training level Event!
Video # 16: This is Briana and Henry at the American Eventing Championships! (Current freebie!)
Video # 15: This is Andi and Chester going cross country at an Event!
Video # 14: This is Andi and Chester doing their dressage test at an Event!
Video # 13: This is Andi and her horse Chester, schooling through a gymnastic line.
Video # 12: This is Vita and PJ again, this time at a schooling jumper show.
Video # 11: This is Kathy from Spain! She is riding a 13 yo Andalusian stallion.
Video # 10: This is Vita and her horse PJ performing a dressage test at a show!
Video # 9: This is Vita and her horse PJ at a hunter schooling show!
Video # 8: This is Briana doing her dressage test at her recent long format Novice 3 day!
Video # 7: This is Storey!
Video # 6: This is our famous blogger Lisa, and her horse Cotton!
Video Discussion # 2: Dressage test with judge's scores and comments!
Video # 4: This is Briana on cross country at a BN horse trials!
Video #3: This is Andi and her horse Chester at a schooling show.
Video #2:
Video Discussion # 1: 5 Bar Show Jumping Competition
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