Discussion # 172: Let's talk about the similarities of ballroom dancing and riding horses!
Let's talk about the similarities of ballroom dancing and riding horses!

When we watch a really harmonious horse and rider performing, it often looks as elegant as the very best ballroom dancing - with the 2 partners appearing to read each others' minds, or even become fully melded as one.
In ballroom dancing... as melded as they may seem... one person is the leader, and the other is the follower. In the horse and rider team, who do you think the leader is?
When I first thought about this, I thought the answer seemed pretty obvious. That by definition, we as riders are clearly the leaders, as we direct and control our partner's movement.
Then I thought about it some more... And I think that in some ways or under certain circumstances, an argument could be made that the horse is the leader. Can anyone come up with an example of how the horse could be perceived as the leader?? (Click on Discussion Title above to read or join in on this educational discussion)
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