Tip/Quote of the Day # 164

"A little practical hint for the aids in lateral movements and turns: If you want to move the horse’s shoulders sideways, you can picture the face of a clock, and move your belly button like the hand of a clock in the direction in which you want to turn the shoulder. For instance, in the shoulder-in right, your belly button points towards 1 o’clock, or 2 o’clock, if you want to ride with a steeper angle. In the shoulder-in left, your belly button points towards 11 o’clock, or 10 o’clock, if you want to achieve a steeper angle. If you point your belly button back towards 12, you end the lateral movement and ride straight ahead. If you want to move the haunches laterally, you move your tailbone in the direction in which you want the horse’s tail to point. In the haunches-in right, you turn your tailbone towards 5 o’clock or 4 o’clock. In the haunches-in left, you point your tailbone towards 7 or 8 o’clock. To end the lateral movement, the tailbone moves back towards 6 o’clock. You can find more on this in my arena gps smartphone app, which is due out very soon." ~ Thomas Ritter

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