Discussion # 7: Let's discuss this quote from Dressage rider Chris Hickey: "The marriage of the driving aids and the restraining aids makes it possible to bring the horse into a high level of collection."

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Let's discuss this quote from Dressage rider Chris Hickey:

"The marriage of the driving aids and the restraining aids makes it possible to bring the horse into a high level of collection. Since the horse is trained to hear and respond to aids that are delicate and refined, he can respond to a driving aid and a restraining aid at the same time, which creates collection."

The key to success in creating collection is being able to effectively coordinate that marriage of the aids, so that your horse will understand and listen to both without resistance.

And even when the rider is capable of finding that successful coordination of the aids, the horse may have a tendency to
listen more to either the driving aids or the restraining aids. Meaning that they might not sufficiently hear the other one, which can cause resistance or loss of balance, and a definite lack of success in creating collection.

Which do you feel that your horse listens to less? The driving aids or the restraining aids? And what do you think you can do about it? (Click on Discussion Title above (in blue) to read this educational discussion)

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