Developing Feel as a Rider

Some lucky riders are born with a natural ability to feel exactly what the horse is doing underneath them, or what their own bodies are doing when they are riding. But the rest of us have to develop that skill.
The rider who has a good sense of feel can progress much more quickly, and will be much more effective in the training of their horse. They will be able to instantly tell (on their own, with no instructor telling them) that their horse is crooked, or if the horse is really through in the back vs merely posing. They will notice when parts of their own body deviate from the correct position, instead of having to be constantly told, and be able to fix them. With advanced ability to feel, the rider will be able to tell if his horse was good with his knees over a jump, or if he jumped over his front end with his shoulders down or uneven.
The way feel is developed is to...(Click on Article Title above (in blue) to read full article)
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