You Go Where You Look

One of my favorite episodes of the TV show "Frasier" was the one where Frasier, who had never before learned how to ride a bicycle, had to learn to do so in a hurry so that he could ride in a fundraiser bike-a-thon. He was so afraid that he was going to hit the big tree that he had to pass, that he could not stop staring at it. And so every time he went by the tree, he crashed his bike into it. He became convinced that that tree had some sort of a gravitational pull on his bike! Then when the bike-a-thon was starting, someone taunted him (as they knew the trouble he was having with large objects), and said "Gee, I sure hope I can steer around that huge mailbox over there." So of course.....(Click on Article Title above (in blue) to read full article)
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