Successfully Negotiating Double and Triple Combinations

The key to success at double and triple combinations is for the rider to have a plan! You must know precisely what the distance is between the elements. So either bring a measuring tape, or learn how to walk off distances very accurately. Learn that skill by laying down a measuring stick or tape, and find out what your walking stride feels like when it is exactly three feet long. I know for me, since I'm short, I have to take a big step to make three feet. So when I'm walking a distance, four of my big steps is one twelve foot stride for the horse.
You also have to know what your horse's natural stride length at the canter is. When jumping does he naturally canter along with a perfect twelve foot stride? Or is he a big mover with a natural thirteen foot canter stride? Or a smaller, more catlike type that has a natural eleven foot stride?
Then you have to be able to analyze the combination to make a game plan. Is the first element......(Click on Article Title above (in blue) to read full article)
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