Improving Your Score in the Free Walk

Some people may wonder why it would be a challenge to simply walk across the arena on a long rein. Compared to the many other exciting things we do in the sport of Eventing, walking just seems so easy. But the free walk movement in the dressage ring can be quite a challenge! Especially on a fit, excitable Thoroughbred! At that moment when you go to shorten your reins, and your high strung horse knows that he is about to go on and do something more exciting, it can be hard to keep the lid on him! It can take a lot of tactful schooling to get that type of horse to keep his cool in that situation.
And even for those with the more relaxed type of horse, the movement of the free walk can be a challenge. Both riders and horses tend to think of the walk as break time, and lose points in little details. And you don't want to let go of any points in this movement, which usually has a double coefficient! With more attention to detail and some practice, you can improve your scores in the free walk! The key is...(Click on Article Title above (in blue) to read full article)
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