The Low Wide Oxer Exercise

The low wide oxer exercise teaches the horse many valuable lessons! The biggest of which is how to truly use his body to stretch easily across fences with width. This gives the horse enormous confidence in his ability to handle wide obstacles, including open ditches. Once he understands this technique, he will just stretch easily across even the widest of open ditches, which means that you will be in better balance and have more control immediately upon landing, and will find it easier to get to that skinny jump that is probably just a few strides away!
Since this exercise teaches the horse how to bascule, and really use its topline to make the jump more efficient - the horse that practices it often carries the benefits into all of their jumping... producing a rounder jump that involves using their bodies more fully. Here's how to introduce this exercise: (Click on Article Title above (in blue) to read full article)
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