Photo # 79 and Question # 346: Kayla has a question about how to fix the bad habit she has with her hands.
Is there any chance you can tell me how to fix this obnoxious habit, and perhaps what might be causing it? I have a hard time keeping my right hand closed, and even though my reins are the same length (they’re laced, so I can count the lacing on each side), my right one inevitably feels too long, and my arm gets stupid. 😂 Is it just a bad habit, or a posture issue, or ...? Also, are my hands, even my left, too low? (Kayla)

Hi Kayla!
Your bad habit is one that many riders struggle with! Hands that turn downward like your what your right hand is doing here make the connection feel rigid to the horse. Even if your arm is relaxed, your horse will feel the "block" where your wrist begins to turn downward. And when horses feel this block, they will invariably stiffen and resist. So this is definitely a habit that you need to break!
One of the best ways for you to beat this problem is to... (Click on Photo/Question Title above to read the rest of the answer, and the critique of this photo.)
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