Does Your Horse Like Rein Contact Right Up to the Point of Takeoff at a Jump? Or Does He Prefer a Soft/Loose Rein in the Final Strides? Find Out Here!

To get the very best out of every horse when show jumping, riders need to really think about the specific way that each individual horse needs and wants to be ridden between the fences. For example, some horses like a contact with the reins all the way up until the point of takeoff at a jump. It gives them confidence, and they feel more connected to their riders. Other horses prefer to have soft or even slightly loose reins in the last strides of the approach.
If you don't know which way your horse would go best, or you pick the wrong way.... (maybe because you've had success with it on other horses), the quality of your jumping may suffer. Let me help you to figure out what kind of horse you have! (Click on Article Title above to read full article)
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