We are having trouble picking up the left lead....




He naturally picks up the right lead, both under tack, on the lunge, and loose in the pasture. Last night I decided to try all of the 'tricks" I know - walk to canter, shoulder in to canter, counter bend to canter, trot towards the wall and sudden turn into canter - nothing really produced consistent results. He was in a really good state of mind - not getting worked up at all - so I felt ok to keep trying. He got the left lead a total of 3 times, and then I decided to quit for the night. Usually I don't drill him, and let him just pick it up once and then quit. But tonight he was calm and I wanted to figure out if a different 'trick' would work. I'm a little stumped, and I really don't think my position was causing it tonight because I'm aware of how I'm sitting when I ask for canter. (sitting up, facing the left side, weight on the outside leg/seatbone) Do you have any ideas about this, or maybe tell me what I am doing wrong? (Leah)

Hi Leah!

That can be a frustrating problem! Difficulties with a canter lead are usually caused by one (or more) of these issues: